ok so once upon a time i used to play 90man kos and nothing higher than 50/100nl on erm shall we say bigger site with marginal/ok results those with hem..... 50nl 7.1bb/100 but took a year out with a health issues/heart prob (for those who may wanna guess who i am from other forum(OTHERS WONT GIVE A ERM SHY E ) So TONIGHT I DEPOSITED 200.00 To see where i can go, normaly i advocate br management) but i did see one table where i couldnt resist was it 50nl 2 week spots ....as i was loling about 4nl and watching higher limits so you can see already brm is not my strength. if i see a table/game which for is limits is week i am liable to jump in for the ev......dont get me wrong i dont pretend to be tommyd jac dtm or any of the many great cash players on here but i do know And undertand the fundemntals of poker and using ev to my avantage, i also understand by posting here that many will look and say i will av him,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, but sitting duck that i am ,i will post results as i go will also post a history of me ( im older than jac but yunger than TK )over next few weeks. for those that are realy bored
i will also include any rb and any promo gained in my totals
s.r 200.00
1jan 235.00 points 230.00
Take a bow son.