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Sunday Flagship Omaha Tournament



  • HITMAN_RVHITMAN_RV Member Posts: 8,688
    edited January 2015
    Great Points Talon, TK!!

    Addition notes from me!

    I don't see it as a Them [NLHE] & us,[PLO, PLO8] thing at all..
    I see it as complimentary....
    With many newer poker players, like me, brought up on NLHE, wishing to broaden their Poker horizons, into other areas, PLO and Now PLO8. Thus Embracing the existing PLO8 community, ie Talon, macagirl, churchy etc, for Knowledge & Enjoyment!!

    I agree, maybe Sunday is not ideal, but we already have a FOSP PLO tournie Running Sundays at 7.30pm, which evolved out of a Hitsquad idea, then FOSP took over, & recently with the early publicity, success of the FOSP Hilo Thursdays, this Sunday Tournie has QUADRUPLED its numbers!!

    Hey,  this is a very loose constructive debate, started by trebor, I think All ideas are welcome!!
     I would be happy to initially increase the push for this with our FOSP Sundays, maybe also the Popular FOSP Hilo Thursday nite could be considered at later date for a SPECIFIC Sky Prestige Hilo tournie, giving Sky a Unique Hilo nite, of FIVE Tournies!!!!

    This would be benefit I would 'sell' to suits, Sky could Grab this Momentum, generated by a few in community, to establish a UniqueSellingPoint of a SPECIAL ELITE Hilo Nite, Thurdays complimenting the Initial Sundays maybe.


    This could bring in EXPERIANCED Poker Traffic from other sites & APAT etc.

    The initial FOSP Hilo thurdays champion for DECEMBER was Frank B, APAT Irish National Captain, for instance.
    people like Frank, and his friends & colleugues are an Added bonus to sky Site & community.

    SKY HAVE EASY OPPURTUNITY HERE to develop this USP, we have skeleton & base in place.

    If Sky & community feel there is a better Nite for this GREAT, lets try it tho!!

    Thanks for the generous offer TK, I hope some Sky Suits read & listen, then act to help.
    Maybe a SKY group could be put together to develop this, think about it....

    Seize the moment SKY, what are your thoughts???

  • churchy18churchy18 Member Posts: 1,850
    edited January 2015
    think it could work for PLO8 with a lot of pushing.

    But cant see omaha getting the numbers just look at all the omaha(i know the ukops met its gtd but a 1 of event is different from a regular thing) games that run not great numbers at all and then even the £100 gtd plo8 game misses its guarantee sometimes so really cant see sky putting on a 500gtd event when the main nightly game struggles for numbers at least once a week!

    I think the only way it would work would be a monthly event say last sunday of the month and have some sats running throuhout the month too build numbers then on the week of the game itself put on say 30/60 £1.10 all in sats thats 5/10 a day for 6 days before game that would help and then theres the buy in not sure how many of the regular low stakes players will be willing too buy in if its anymore than the £11  and even then a few will not pay that! think it could work with the right setup and the correct start up time.


    Sky could take the hit for 1 month try it out but i think with the right promotion that it could easily take off and with the traffic/interest tikay macacgirl and others have helped build up with the diary and challenge i think this is a good oportunity for sky too try reach other new players as well would be easy for them too advertise on facebook/twitter at no cost..

    A bounty hunter pl08 now that would be crazy stuff people get it in all the time without bounties.
    the game would probably be done in 40 minutes but would definetly be a fun/interesting game

    all the best brian
  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    edited January 2015
    In Response to Re: Sunday Flagship Omaha Tournament:
    Great Points Talon, TK!! Addition notes from me! I don't see it as a Them [NLHE] & us,[PLO, PLO8] thing at all.. I see it as complimentary.... With many newer poker players, like me, brought up on NLHE, wishing to broaden their Poker horizons, into other areas, PLO and Now PLO8. Thus Embracing the existing PLO8 community, ie Talon, macagirl, churchy etc, for Knowledge & Enjoyment!! I agree, maybe Sunday is not ideal, but we already have a FOSP PLO tournie Running Sundays at 7.30pm, which evolved out of a Hitsquad idea, then FOSP took over, & recently with the early publicity, success of the FOSP Hilo Thursdays, this Sunday Tournie has QUADRUPLED its numbers!! Hey,  this is a very loose constructive debate, started by trebor, I think All ideas are welcome!!  I would be happy to initially increase the push for this with our FOSP Sundays, maybe also the Popular FOSP Hilo Thursday nite could be considered at later date for a SPECIFIC Sky Prestige Hilo tournie, giving Sky a Unique Hilo nite, of FIVE Tournies!!!! This would be benefit I would 'sell' to suits, Sky could Grab this Momentum, generated by a few in community, to establish a UniqueSellingPoint of a SPECIAL ELITE Hilo Nite , Thurdays complimenting the Initial Sundays maybe. NOW THATS AN IDEA NOT PUT FORWARD BEFORE. This could bring in EXPERIANCED Poker Traffic from other sites & APAT etc. The initial FOSP Hilo thurdays champion for DECEMBER was Frank B, APAT Irish National Captain, for instance. people like Frank, and his friends & colleugues are an Added bonus to sky Site & community. SKY HAVE EASY OPPURTUNITY HERE to develop this USP, we have skeleton & base in place. If Sky & community feel there is a better Nite for this GREAT, lets try it tho!! Thanks for the generous offer TK, I hope some Sky Suits read & listen, then act to help. Maybe a SKY group could be put together to develop this, think about it.... Seize the moment SKY, what are your thoughts??? "IF YOU BUILD IT, THEY WILL COME!!"
    Posted by HITMAN_RV
    Understand your thinking Dave, but i think 5 mtt's on the same night would be too much for most people and might have the effect of diluting the existing PLO8 league.
    Just my thoughts.
  • 68Trebor68Trebor Member Posts: 1,944
    edited January 2015

     There were 2 aims that running a Sunday Flagship Omaha Tournament would hopefully achieve.

     1. Increase the traffic that is playing PLO/PLO8. I am the epitomy of the recreational player and have only just started playing PLO/PLO8. So I log on to my SkyPoker account to play a bit of poker on a Saturday afternoon whilst listening to the football. I fancy playing a bit of PLO and these are my options.
       a) Between now (2pm) and 4.25pm there is 1 MTT, a £1.10 PLO8 tourney.
       b) There is one 60p PLO8 DYM with 2 players registered and one 60p PLO DYM with 1 player registered.
       c) There is not one player sat at a PLO/PLO8 cash table under the 50p/£1 limit.
     Now the NLHE majority will say there you go, no demand. I would say I am a recreational player who wants to play some PLO/PLO8 so I will go off to another site to play there. The whole point of a Flagship MTT would be to raise the profile. The ideal time to raise the profile is when the most players are on the site, 7.30pm Sunday. I would hope that if the Flagship started to draw some decent numbers in terms of players we may see an increase in the buy-in and frequency of the daily MTT schedule. I would love to see a £5.50 PLO/PLO8 MTT every 2 hours, no guarantees needed, surely Sky can't lose.

     2. Make Skypoker the home of PLO/PLO8 in the UK. At the moment there is no clear home of Omaha in the online world. On every site there is a very limited schedule and nowhere for the recreational PLO player to call home. I am sure that if Skypoker was to launch a Sunday Flagship Omaha Tournament with a decent guarantee, nothing silly just a £1k, £5.50 buy in, and put together a decent nightly schedule at the £5.50/£11 buy in it would attract PLO/PLO8 players from other sites who are wondering around in the poker wilderness looking for somewhere to call home.

     I understand the argument that Sunday night is not the right night but strongly advocate it needs to be on a Sunday evening. The biggest night of the week for the online player is a Sunday and many players have a MTT schedule that includes several MTT's. If Skypoker want to be regarded as a decent site to play your online poker on then it needs to have a really strong Sunday evening offering. To help achieve this it is essential the Flagship Omaha Tournament is played on a Sunday. If the biggest site in the world can have a plethora of big guarantee MTT's on a Sunday evening surely Skypoker can add a £1k Guaranteed, £5.50 buy in MTT to the schedule.
  • churchy18churchy18 Member Posts: 1,850
    edited January 2015
    In Response to Re: Sunday Flagship Omaha Tournament:
    In Response to Re: Sunday Flagship Omaha Tournament : Understand your thinking Dave, but i think 5 mtt's on the same night would be too much for most people and might have the effect of diluting the existing PLO8 league. Just my thoughts.
    Posted by VespaPX
    +1 quiet a few of the playes struggle/are uncomfortable with 2 tables or more think the only way you would be able too do it would be change the £100gtd   for that 1 night.

    On the 1st week of the league there was £225+ in prize money for the £100gtd game cant see how many played but more than week2

    week 2 had 43 players so that £215 in the pot

    week 3 xmas got 22 runners £110

    week4 new years day 38 runners £190

    not sure how it all works but that shows that the numbers are just about there for a £200/250gtd but not sure how many/much more.
  • Sir-GarySir-Gary Member Posts: 1,052
    edited January 2015
    I too have only just been trying PLO8 and mainly because ot the Sunday FOSP one, I tried the thursday one and did poorly in all 4 as expected, Still you have to start somewhere, and if interest can be generated then I suspect more will try it. I like the bounty idea on TK's or Neil's head to generate a bit more fun.
  • Macacgirl1Macacgirl1 Member Posts: 865
    edited January 2015

    I'd love to see TKs face on television if he was forced to pose with an actual bounty bar on the top of his head.

  • churchy18churchy18 Member Posts: 1,850
    edited January 2015
    In Response to Re: Sunday Flagship Omaha Tournament:
    I'd love to see TKs face on television if he was forced to pose with an actual bounty bar on the top of his head.
    Posted by Macacgirl1
    come on now stay on topic!
  • GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,631
    edited January 2015
    In Response to Re: Sunday Flagship Omaha Tournament:
    In Response to Re: Sunday Flagship Omaha Tournament : come on now stay on topic!
    Posted by churchy18
    Think shes just trying to boost the thread. ;-)
    FWIW  Im deffo interested in plo8 tourney.
  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited January 2015

    Thanks Tikay for joining in and adding your thoughts - while you obviously like PLO8 and know the community here - you are best placed to manage realistic expectations regarding the "suited ones".

    IMO I think attracting existing PLO/8 players to this site should be easier/cheaper than trying to poach existing NLHE players.

    And lets not forget while most people have a preference for one or the other, many PLO/8 players also play NL.

    We are building a good community here and a modest guarantee on existing tournaments would I expect be easily met with a little promotion and good timing. A publicised bounty for your good self or any other known faces would most likely help smash it.

    I agree we should look to build slowly and steadily than try a major guarantee that doesn't get met.

    GL with the smartly dressed office dwellers.

    PS If the work to create a 4 card system for TV has started but stalled - I might be interested in helping out - If it is not a major task (just too far down the priority list) then I would offer my services for free. I cant promise to get it done quickly but slowly is better than not at all.

  • Wacko90Wacko90 Member Posts: 906
    edited January 2015
    Don't think this will work for PLO alone but plo8 almost certainly. It would take some time though, better to start small and gradually increase the guarantee rather than start big and gradually decrease it. Also pretty sure sky would attract more newer players if there were a couple of small plo8 bhs a day up to 5£. 
  • HENDRIK62HENDRIK62 Member Posts: 3,238
    edited January 2015

     Hi everyone,

    Been reading this thread with interest, I really enjoy my new Thursday routine, haven't played the £30 B/H the whole of December.

    I think the £1 and £2 plo8 tourneys and leagure set up have encouraged lot of players to dip their toes into this format, not quite so many play in the £5 tourney.

    I agree with keeping the guarantee realistic to begin with and trying to build the popularity through leagues and enticements of seats etc. 

    Hopefully we draw more plo8 and plo players from other sites and then the guarantees can be gradually increased. 

    I know that Sunday would potentially be the ideal night, but it is a big night for NLHE and I find if I am mixing diciplines it definitely affects me badly.

    My own preference would be Saturday as I am not a massive fan of rebuys :-)

    PLO8 B/H........OMG lol
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,187
    edited January 2015


    Good Lord!

    Not sure that'd be my cup of tea, but if it attracted a few more runners, I guess that's fine. 

    I'm not convinced the BH format works with PLO or PLO8 in the way it does with NLH, though. 

    PLO & PLO8 are already "action games", it does not really need spicing up. IMO, of course.
  • patwalshhpatwalshh Member Posts: 772
    edited January 2015
    In Response to Re: Sunday Flagship Omaha Tournament:
    A BOUNTYHUNTER PLO8? Good Lord! Not sure that'd be my cup of tea, but if it attracted a few more runners, I guess that's fine.  I'm not convinced the BH format works with PLO or PLO8 in the way it does with NLH, though.  PLO & PLO8 are already "action games", it does not really need spicing up. IMO, of course.
    Posted by Tikay10
    +1 to this.

    I'd like the tournament to be on a Friday or Saturday night, but I guess that's just a personal opinion.
  • Macacgirl1Macacgirl1 Member Posts: 865
    edited January 2015
    Try imagining NLO8 BH
    The mind would simply explode thinking how they would play out.
  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited January 2015
    ***BUMP*** If nothing else to wind GaryQQQ up. 

    I look forward to the day when we can nudge him to add the flagship PLO8 £1k guarantee to his results thread!
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,187
    edited January 2015

    I've not forgotten it Mr Phantom,

    I just wanted o ensure we had all the feedback from everyone interested, before (we, the Community) decide what request I should make to the Suity People.
  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited January 2015
    In Response to Re: Sunday Flagship Omaha Tournament:
    ***BUMP*** If nothing else to wind GaryQQQ up.  I look forward to the day when we can nudge him to add the flagship PLO8 £1k guarantee to his results thread!
    Posted by Phantom66
    The threshold has always been over £1,000 guaranteed to be included in the results because there are too many at exactly £1,000.

    However,  I'll make an exception in advance here and now. If this one gets off the ground with a £1,000 guarantee I promise I'll include it.
  • Macacgirl1Macacgirl1 Member Posts: 865
    edited January 2015
    In Response to Re: Sunday Flagship Omaha Tournament:
    I've not forgotten it Mr Phantom, I just wanted o ensure we had all the feedback from everyone interested, before (we, the Community) decide what request I should make to the Suity People.
    Posted by Tikay10
    I thought we'd decided?
    £5000 Guarantee
    £2 buy-in
    6 Card NLO8 BH

    You did promise to play catch up with the guarantee if it wasn't met didn't you?
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,187
    edited January 2015
    In Response to Re: Sunday Flagship Omaha Tournament:
    In Response to Re: Sunday Flagship Omaha Tournament : I thought we'd decided? £5000 Guarantee £2 buy-in 6 Card NLO8 BH You did promise to play catch up with the guarantee if it wasn't met didn't you?
    Posted by Macacgirl1
    Listen Little Miss Funny Sort.
    If anyone ever catches me endorsing NLO8 BH's, you have my permission to have me summarily put down.

    It's like the difference between Proper Cricket - Test Matches - & Silly Cricket - that T20 nonsense.
    No class, no class at all, it's taking the beauty out of a wonderful game.
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