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waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,123
edited July 2015 in Poker Chat
I have just been playing and watching the main event. Had the pleasure (or not) of having lolufold on my table. A hand of his was featured on 861 yet there was no reference at all of him being ex? analyst Redmond Lee. This seems a bit fickle to me.

Obviously don't know the ins and outs of the situation but he was the best analyst Sky have had imo, as well as being a "stalwart" of Sky back in the day. To give no reference to him seemed a bit out of order. I was just a bit miffed!

Over reacting??


  • CHILLIECHILLIE Member Posts: 432
    edited January 2015
    As with all former presenters and analysists on sky,once your gone your gone.Used to love carlo on sky coz he pulled no punches on the way players played which i think was his demise as the suits would of took this as putting of players from the site,cant be to critical and all that bs.
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,123
    edited January 2015
    Redmond was always polite........I prob am over reacting but just it was harsh not to give him any recognition at all. Sky were all for him not long ago.

    Here today, forgotten about tomorrow
  • daggers747daggers747 Member Posts: 193
    edited January 2015

        You obviously never been divorvced Waller.

       A relationship breakdown can be acrimonious, but time is a great healer.

       Going to see the kids today. Staying at the ex's.

        Not a had a row for ages, but old habits die hard.

        Wish me luck you old softie you.

        Catch you soon.


  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189
    edited January 2015
    In Response to Re: lolufold:
        You obviously never been divorvced Waller.    A relationship breakdown can be acrimonious, but time is a great healer.    Going to see the kids today. Staying at the ex's.     Not a had a row for ages, but old habits die hard.     Wish me luck you old softie you.     Catch you soon.     Daggers      
    Posted by daggers747

    Very good Mr Daggers.

    Have a nice day.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189
    edited January 2015
    In Response to Re: lolufold:
    Redmond was always polite........I prob am over reacting but just it was harsh not to give him any recognition at all. Sky were all for him not long ago. Here today, forgotten about tomorrow
    Posted by waller02
    Morning Mr Wallerrrrrrrrrrrrr.

    I think you are, perhaps, reading too much into this.
    I never saw the Show, & I've no idea why his 861 connection was not mentioned, but its possible that Karl never even realised, or made the "connection".

    There was, or is, to my knowledge, no "bad blood" between Redmond & Ch 861. 
    He does not play so much these days, or not that I am aware of, & I've not seen him in many Sky Poker MTT's in the last 6 months.

    Delighted he had a great result last night, & I'm hoping we will see him at the UKPC next month.
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,123
    edited January 2015
    In Response to Re: lolufold:
    In Response to Re: lolufold : Morning Mr Wallerrrrrrrrrrrrr. I think you are, perhaps, reading too much into this.   I never saw the Show, & I've no idea why his 861 connection was not mentioned, but its possible that Karl never even realised, or made the "connection". There was, or is, to my knowledge, no "bad blood" between Redmond & Ch 861.    He does not play so much these days, or not that I am aware of, & I've not seen him in many Sky Poker MTT's in the last 6 months. Delighted he had a great result last night, & I'm hoping we will see him at the UKPC next month.
    Posted by Tikay10

    Yeah, you're probably right, I was just a bit puzzled at the time.

    As for him not playing as much these days, I can confirm that he has still got it! He was the table boss and all I ended up doing was watching and trying to learn something lol.
  • 12811281 Member Posts: 241
    edited January 2015
    Is Redman off the books now?

    and why did Carlo leave, miss his commentary
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189
    edited January 2015
    In Response to Re: lolufold:
    In Response to Re: lolufold : Yeah, you're probably right, I was just a bit puzzled at the time. As for him not playing as much these days, I can confirm that he has still got it! He was the table boss and all I ended up doing was watching and trying to learn something lol.
    Posted by waller02
    Hi waller,

    Just a quick PS to this.

    The 861 Head Honcho, Dan, contacted me yesterday as he had seen the thread.

    He was as puzzled as you were, there was no reason or "agenda" not to mention it was Redmond.
    There are two "regular" Show Producers, Dan & Louis.
    Part of what they do, non-stop, for 5 hours durinmg a show, is nudge & prompt the Presenter & Analyst, via their "talkback" (earpiece), as to various "interesting" things & players.

    So they'd have said "lolufold is Redmond Lee, give him a mention bla bla" sorta thing. If the Presenter or Analyst was one who played on the site a lot, they'd know that anyway, but not all of them do. 

    However, on Sunday, it was not a "regular" Producer, so they probably never even knew lolufold was Redmond. I doubt Karl would know the history, either.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189
    edited January 2015
    In Response to Re: lolufold:
    Is Redman off the books now? and why did Carlo leave, miss his commentary
    Posted by 1281
    That's one of those questions that Sky Poker, or Ch 861 will never answer Karim, as it's a bit personal, & private.

    What I will do though is explain how the system works.

    None of the Presenters or Analysts have a "contract" to appear as such, they (we...) all have an "Agreement".
    All that Agreement says is, in short, "if we choose to use you for a show, you will be paid x, & will be expected to arrive at this time, & behave & conduct yourself in this manner".

    It specifically does NOT say "we (ch 861) commit to using you regularly, infrequently, or ever". None of them are directly employed, they are all freelance. It simply says "IF we use you, these are the terms".

    Every month (or not...) the Head Producer writes to those he may wish to use & says "please give us your availability for next month".
    And if - IF - they write back with their available dates, & if - IF - the Producer wishes to book them, he does. And if he does not, thats it.

    Equally, if the Presenter or Analyst does not want to commit to dates for the next month, or has no "convenient" dates available, they say so.

    So nobody gets "sacked" as such, but if for some reason, either party does not wish to continue, that's it, end of. 

    There are any number of reasons why they may, or may not, continue to appear on 861.

    It's TV, people come & go.

    I've been here since the start, as has Lord Smirk, but we both have to await that e-Mail every month telling us if we have any shifts next month or not. (With some trepidation & nervousness, I might add!). And if we don't, we don't, that's it, there's no "appeal" procedure or statutory rights. 

    Hope that helps your understanding of the system.

  • a00rocka00rock Member Posts: 832
    edited January 2015

    No one could hope to regularly feed a family on such a basis as a trade unionist we complain about 0 hr contacts lol at least they have a contract. Is this common across TV Tikay?

  • TeddyBloatTeddyBloat Member Posts: 1,419
    edited January 2015
    In Response to Re: lolufold:
    In Response to Re: lolufold : That's one of those questions that Sky Poker, or Ch 861 will never answer Karim, as it's a bit personal, & private. What I will do though is explain how the system works. None of the Presenters or Analysts have a "contract" to appear as such, they (we...) all have an "Agreement".   All that Agreement says is, in short, "if we choose to use you for a show, you will be paid x, & will be expected to arrive at this time, & behave & conduct yourself in this manner". It specifically does NOT say "we (ch 861) commit to using you regularly, infrequently, or ever". None of them are directly employed, they are all freelance. It simply says "IF we use you, these are the terms". Every month (or not...) the Head Producer writes to those he may wish to use & says "please give us your availability for next month".   And if - IF - they write back with their available dates, & if - IF - the Producer wishes to book them, he does. And if he does not, thats it. Equally, if the Presenter or Analyst does not want to commit to dates for the next month, or has no "convenient" dates available, they say so. So nobody gets "sacked" as such, but if for some reason, either party does not wish to continue, that's it, end of.  There are any number of reasons why they may, or may not, continue to appear on 861. It's TV, people come & go. I've been here since the start, as has Lord Smirk, but we both have to await that e-Mail every month telling us if we have any shifts next month or not. (With some trepidation & nervousness, I might add!). And if we don't, we don't, that's it, there's no "appeal" procedure or statutory rights.  Hope that helps your understanding of the system.  
    Posted by Tikay10

    Sky in zero-hour contract shocker.

    I'm writing to private eye...

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189
    edited January 2015
    In Response to Re: lolufold:
    No one could hope to regularly feed a family on such a basis as a trade unionist we complain about 0 hr contacts lol at least they have a contract. Is this common across TV Tikay?
    Posted by a00rock
    Yes, it's standard practice in "entertainment".

    Not if your name is Bruce Forsyth or Dorothy Squires of course, they all have contracts & deals, but the vast majority of tv work is on the "as & when required" basis. Keeps them up to their task!
  • NChanningNChanning Member Posts: 871
    edited January 2015
    In Response to Re: lolufold:
    In Response to Re: lolufold : Yes, it's standard practice in "entertainment". Not if your name is Bruce Forsyth or Dorothy Squires of course, they all have contracts & deals, but the vast majority of tv work is on the "as & when required" basis. Keeps them up to their task!   
    Posted by Tikay10
     Blimey! Dorothy Squires! That's a name I didn't expect to see in this thread.

     About 25 years ago my sister worked in the catering business. She would sometimes manage restaurants and other food places on a short-term basis. Somehow she ended up living in and running a pub called the Pheasant Plucker for about two years. It was owned by Dorothy Squires. I remember my parents being pretty impressed and thinking she was a top famous person. With no Wiki or Google in those days I had no real idea of why she was famous.
  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    edited January 2015
    In Response to Re: lolufold:
    No one could hope to regularly feed a family on such a basis as a trade unionist we complain about 0 hr contacts lol at least they have a contract. Is this common across TV Tikay?
    Posted by a00rock
    I would be some what concerned if it was any of the guys and girls sole income and was used to feed the family. They all do other things and given there is only 3 shows a week which are shared out it must work well both ways. Analyst/presenter has a better offer elsewhere then they would want to say they were unavailable and take up the better offer.
  • RLT16RLT16 Member Posts: 1,433
    edited January 2015
    Im so confused by all of this, firstly i thought redman lee was yoyo. Why does Richard keep getting emails? ;) And who the **** is Dorothy squires? 
  • a00rocka00rock Member Posts: 832
    edited January 2015
    In Response to Re: lolufold:
    In Response to Re: lolufold : I would be some what concerned if it was any of the guys and girls sole income and was used to feed the family. They all do other things and given there is only 3 shows a week which are shared out it must work well both ways. Analyst/presenter has a better offer elsewhere then they would want to say they were unavailable and take up the better offer.
    Posted by MattBates
    That's fair enough Matt but if the other things are TV work with the same non contractual terms where are the guarantees that they will get any paid work in a given month? Not a scenario I would like any of my kids to be in!

    Anyway bring back the beautiful Kara Scott I hear she is a free agent again ;-)
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189
    edited January 2015
    In Response to Re: lolufold:
    In Response to Re: lolufold : That's fair enough Matt but if the other things are TV work with the same non contractual terms where are the guarantees that they will get any paid work in a given month? Not a scenario I would like any of my kids to be in!
    Posted by a00rock
    That's just the nature of the beast. There are no guarantees in that line of work.
    As to those on 861, it is not the "primary income" for any of them. 
  • a00rocka00rock Member Posts: 832
    edited January 2015
    In Response to Re: lolufold:
    In Response to Re: lolufold : That's just the nature of the beast. There are no guarantees in that line of work.   As to those on 861, it is not the "primary income" for any of them.   
    Posted by Tikay10
    Glad to hear it and I have to say the 3 shows are the highlight of my TV viewing week. The fact that most nights have different presenters experts and analysts keeps the show fresh and interesting. We have had some of the best in the business across the years on SP TV (to many names to mention) and long may it last.
  • natry20111natry20111 Member Posts: 120
    edited January 2015
    very good player watch him alot on the tv before and speaks alot of sense strange thats hes not on the show anymore
  • F_IvanovicF_Ivanovic Member Posts: 2,412
    edited January 2015
    In Response to Re: lolufold:
    In Response to Re: lolufold : That's fair enough Matt but if the other things are TV work with the same non contractual terms where are the guarantees that they will get any paid work in a given month? Not a scenario I would like any of my kids to be in! Anyway bring back the beautiful Kara Scott I hear she is a free agent again ;-)
    Posted by a00rock
    If your a full time poker pro you have no guarantees you'll earn money every month!! Regardless of what your job is, you should always have money set aside for a rainy day fund... for a poker player, that might be 6-8 months at least. And with a zero hour contract or similar it might be the same. Or if you are in a more secure job then it might be 4-6 months. 

    If you find work has dried up in a 2 month period then it would be a good idea to start looking for something else - but having that buffer there will help you!
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