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TimmyRaRa 4th year without a job and still loving it!



  • TimmyRaRaTimmyRaRa Member Posts: 915
    edited October 2015
    September 2015 Results :

    Online :

    Dym = + £1734
    Tourney = + £56
    Cash = + £216
    Promo = + £60
    Points = 28785
    Points Bonus = + £860
    Staking = + £150

    Live :

    Tourney = + £35
    Cash = - £100
    Expenses = - £3
    Staking = - £150

    Hours  = 241

    TOTAL = + £2858

    So September is done and I'm really happy with how it went very solid all the way through which is always nice.

    Highs :

    1. Making + £1734 on Dym's
    2. Having my biggest ever winning day on Dym's + £551
    3. Playing and winning a little bit at cash when Dym's are dead.

    Lows :

    1. Me and Kgee playing live cash when drunk in Manchester.

    Targets for October :

    1. Make + £2k for month.
    2. Make + 30k points.
    3. Make the Leaderboard in the Punta Cana RAKE RACE.
    4. Go Dublin with the lads spend loads of money and have a good time.
    5. Go play the Grand prix with my Dad at DTD.

    TOTAL FOR YEAR = + £20,373

    Next update Monday!!
  • mrsduckmrsduck Member Posts: 1,901
    edited October 2015
    Great month Timmy :)
  • TimmyRaRaTimmyRaRa Member Posts: 915
    edited October 2015
    In Response to Re: Timmyrara 2nd year being a PRO:
    Great month Timmy :)
    Posted by mrsduck
    Thank you mrsduck.
  • liamboi11liamboi11 Member Posts: 2,141
    edited October 2015
    Wow mate don`t think i`ve played 241 hours this year :)

    Nah but serious mate just shows put the hard work in you get rewarded wp last month gl for this month too bud
  • TimmyRaRaTimmyRaRa Member Posts: 915
    edited October 2015
    In Response to Re: Timmyrara 2nd year being a PRO:
    Wow mate don`t think i`ve played 241 hours this year :) Nah but serious mate just shows put the hard work in you get rewarded wp last month gl for this month too bud
    Posted by liamboi11

    Haha please tell me how many hours you did last month and do u always just sneak into Priority Club ?
    Thanks thou mate i did put some hours in last month so always nice to come out with a decent profit.
    Me Kgee and 6 other mates are going Dublin this Friday for darts dogs and loads of drink!! How jealous are you ?
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited October 2015
    You're going to Dublin to throw darts at dogs when drunk?
    Thought better of you Timmy
  • liamboi11liamboi11 Member Posts: 2,141
    edited October 2015
    In Response to Re: Timmyrara 2nd year being a PRO:
    In Response to Re: Timmyrara 2nd year being a PRO : Haha please tell me how many hours you did last month and do u always just sneak into Priority Club ? Thanks thou mate i did put some hours in last month so always nice to come out with a decent profit. Me Kgee and 6 other mates are going Dublin this Friday for darts dogs and loads of drink!! How jealous are you ?
    Posted by TimmyRaRa
    Haha can`t tell you exactly but just say im glad the had booster days to help me cross the finish line :)

    Have fun at darts and dogs and yeah im jealous haha
  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    edited October 2015
    In Response to Re: Timmyrara 2nd year being a PRO:
    Wow mate don`t think i`ve played 241 hours this year :) Nah but serious mate just shows put the hard work in you get rewarded wp last month gl for this month too bud
    Posted by liamboi11
    Can you move this type of chat to Lamberts diary please!
  • TimmyRaRaTimmyRaRa Member Posts: 915
    edited October 2015
    In Response to Re: Timmyrara 2nd year being a PRO:
    You're going to Dublin to throw darts at dogs when drunk? Thought better of you Timmy
    Posted by Jac35
    Haha yeah when me and Kgee are drunk were pretty ruthless!!
  • TimmyRaRaTimmyRaRa Member Posts: 915
    edited October 2015
    Thursday 1st October 2015 Results :

    Dym = - £198
    Points = 1616

    Hours = 12
    Total = - £198

    Friday 2nd October Results :

    Dym = + £408
    Points = 2365
    Hours = 10
    Total = + £408

    Saturday 3rd October Results :

    Dym = + £196
    Points = 1840

    Hours = 11
    Total = + £196

    Sunday 4th October Results :

    Dym = + £279
    Points = 1865

    Hours = 12
    Total = + £279

    Hi all hope you've all had a good weekend ? Liamboi got to respect you mate you always make it into Priority club so cant argue with that and MattBates i did mention something in Lambert's diary so hopefully you see him put alot more hours in this month on your stable.
    As u can see i had a poor start losing - £198 1st day but 1 of my biggest strengths this year is usually always responding pretty quickly after a big losing day so now after 3 + days were up + £685. As we all no its Punta cana rake races so the sites been super busy which is always good. Ive been putting in some decent volume so i was 2nd on the medium-high leaderboard on the last update not sure how long that will last as i no some good high HU players have started putting in some decent volume but I'm not going to chase it going to stick to the same games i always play and I also go Dublin with my mates Fri-Mon so im missing them days but if i can make top 6 i will be happy with that. Loved all the footy on over the weekend except for Man u getting smashed by Arsenal who were very impressive so cant argue with that they out played us but now international break no Proper footy for 2 weekend's bad times.

    POINTS = 7716
    TOTAL FOR MONTH = + £685
    TOTAL FOR YEAR = + £21,058

    Next update Thursday!!!

  • kgeekgee Member Posts: 22
    edited October 2015
    In Response to Re: Timmyrara 2nd year being a PRO:
    You're going to Dublin to throw darts at dogs when drunk? Thought better of you Timmy
    Posted by Jac35
    Just in case rspca is reading this, We are not going to be cruel or harm the welfare of any dogs mate!!
  • TimmyRaRaTimmyRaRa Member Posts: 915
    edited October 2015
    Monday 5th October 2015 Results :

    Dym = - £164
    Points Bonus = + £189
    Points = 1840

    Hours = 7
    Total = + £25

    Tuesday 6th October Results :

    Dym = + £317
    Tourney = + £72
    Points = 1785

    Hours = 9
    Total = + £389

    Wednesday 7th October Results :

    Dym = - £362
    Points = 1570

    Hours = 6
    Total = - £362

    Thursday 8th October Results :

    Dym = + £324
    Points = 810

    Hours = 4
    Total = + £324

    Hi all so as you can see this week has been up and down but overall with came out ok. My Dym days this week have been big losses and big wins we've been grinding very hard 8-12 tables because of the Punta Cana rake race and we've put our self in 3rd spot so really happy with that. This is my last day of the week now as I'm getting picked up at 1.30am and heading to Dublin with my mates for a weekend away were also going to the darts 2morrow so if you see 7 lads dressed as bottle of beers and my mate who doesnt drink as a can of coke thats us and the rest of the trip is just going to be drink drink drink. Hopefully I come back monday not to hungover and ready to finsh off the rake race which finishes wednesday i want that 3rd place.

    POINTS = 13821
    TOTAL FOR MONTH = + £1061
    TOTAL FOR YEAR = + £21,434

    Run well all next update Thursday!!!

  • Darkangel7Darkangel7 Member Posts: 2,585
    edited October 2015
    Want to see pictures!!!!! Unlucky in PC but well played. Enjoy Dublin and try and stay outta trouble. :)
  • TimmyRaRaTimmyRaRa Member Posts: 915
    edited October 2015
    Monday 12th October 2015 Results :

    Dym = + £15
    Points Bonus = + £133
    Points = 1090

    Hours = 4
    Total = + £148

    Tuesday 13th October Results :

    Dym = + £281
    Points = 1290

    Hours = 9
    Total = + £281

    Wednesday 14th October Results :

    Dym = + £70
    Points = 2850
    Hours = 12
    Total = + £70
    Thursday 15th October Results :

    Dym = + £18
    Cash = + £84
    Points =  178

    Live poker

    Tourney = - £15
    Cash = + £5
    Expenses = - £6

    Hours = 6
    Total = + £86

    Hi all so ive been back since monday after a really good weekend in Dublin and i finally feel normal again 3 days solid drinking all day and nite is not a easy sport retirement could be getting very close. So the Punta can promo has finally finished and i really enjoyed it nice work SKY and i got 3rd spot in the medium/high sngs leaderbaord for £1155 so i was really happy with that espescailly when i missed 3 full days of play due to dublin. Kgee my best mate has decided to go on his own now as i've been staking him this year he's been playing low stake tourneys with abit of cash and sng's and in total he made me a nice solid + £1730 so i would just like to say thanks mate and i hope it goes well on your own and you have a big 2016 online.

    POINTS = 19229
    TOTAL FOR MONTH = + £1646
    TOTAL FOR YEAR = + £22,019

    Next update Monday!!
  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    edited October 2015
    Expenses = - £6

    Do you like being referred to as the Dan Blizerian of skypoker?
  • TimmyRaRaTimmyRaRa Member Posts: 915
    edited October 2015
    Haha 2 pints of Carling #baller

  • TimmyRaRaTimmyRaRa Member Posts: 915
    edited October 2015
    Friday 16th - Sunday 18th October 2015 Results :

    Dym = + £148
    Cash = - £185
    Sky promo = + £1155
    DTD sats = - £298

    Live poker

    Tourney = - £30
    Cash = + £35
    Expenses = - £35

    Hours = 22
    Total = + £790

    Hi all hope you all had a good weekend. I had a nice charity nite at my local bowling alley where my dad plays in a poker league we raised + £1400 we had a poker tourney 30 players cash games blackjack and the usually raffle had a few pints and had a nice nite. Other than that not to much had my nephew round for the weekend so just been chilling out with him. As u can see i played a little bit of Dyms dropped a little bit on 50nl cash and also received my Punta cana leaderboard money. I also tried to qualify for 500wpt at dtd which is coming up at the end of month but sadly that didnt work out i played some $22 and $109 sats but bricked everyone. I really want to play this tourney its a £550 buy in should i just flick it in or play some more sats and should i just of flicked it in at the start instead of playing sats ??

    POINTS = 20693
    TOTAL FOR MONTH = + £2436
    TOTAL FOR YEAR = + £22,809

    Next update Thursday!!

  • F_IvanovicF_Ivanovic Member Posts: 2,412
    edited October 2015
    Hard to say as we don't know your financial situation; it's obviously not within good BRM but if it's a one off tournament that doesn't really matter: think about it this way, you could go on holiday for the same amount so it's just about how you want to spend the money that you've won. If you want to treat yourself by playing in a big poker tournament then go for it.

    What's the reason you really want to play? Is it a soft field? In the UKPC six max just gone before I won my seat I decided I was going to buy in to it. Normally wouldn't buy in to something that much but the reasons for it was a) softer field and b) six-max which I prefer massively compared to the normal full ring tournaments.
  • TimmyRaRaTimmyRaRa Member Posts: 915
    edited October 2015
    In Response to Re: Timmyrara 2nd year being a PRO:
    Hard to say as we don't know your financial situation; it's obviously not within good BRM but if it's a one off tournament that doesn't really matter: think about it this way, you could go on holiday for the same amount so it's just about how you want to spend the money that you've won. If you want to treat yourself by playing in a big poker tournament then go for it. What's the reason you really want to play? Is it a soft field? In the UKPC six max just gone before I won my seat I decided I was going to buy in to it. Normally wouldn't buy in to something that much but the reasons for it was a) softer field and b) six-max which I prefer massively compared to the normal full ring tournaments.
    Posted by F_Ivanovic
    Hi buddy congrats on the Punta Cana promo and thanks for the advice.  I missed this tourney last year and a few of my mates played it very good structure and they thought it was very soft for a £550 buy in and it's a £1m GTD. Ive played 4 + £1k buy in events since going full time but ive either won a sat or won it through a dtd seat so not sure if the full buy in will bother my game or not maybe i need to flick it in to see. With me losing £297 on sats over the weekend just wasnt sure what to do.
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    edited October 2015
    I always feel when I try to sat into an event that I am prepared/rolled to play for then I will set a % of BI to invest in sats. If no joy then I will BI or if I go above that % then that is that.

    As for you, you are professional so if its something you realy want to play then do it, you only get so mant shots at that 'big' score and you have the perfect oppertunity to 'invest' that promo money you have won as it was something that you got from just playing your normal games.

    Best of luck.
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