Hi - good to see this back and excellent you've done realy well. Just a question. I see you play some on Stars but dont seem to have great numbers(?). Do you not think this is a leak in your BR? I for one found for some reason I just couldnt play my best on Stars (maybe because this is my main site and I treated the Stars account as sort of a blow off) so Ive stopped and play 100% on here.
I maybe wrong, if so I appologise. Just a question.
Mumsie once the Prem promo has done I will defianlty be trying that challenge. Just worried that £220 game wont run thou
CraigSg1 with Stars my results are pretty bad to be honest just use it if they have any Events running SCOOP etc or Sunday Millons same with Party pretty much and SATS for live Dusk till dawn events.
Thank you Tikay loving all the MAGIC in 2017 lets make so more.
Hi all so a really good week for me on tables Dym's went really well and even won abit at cash when I couldnt sleep late Tuesday nite MAGIC!
Busy week on the tables this week as its the last week of Prem Promo we have gone for the Champ.
So Dym's all week + Prio freeroll Tuesday.
Champs League footy Is back YES love it! Tipping Man U to win
Had a really nice long weekend at Anna's we headed down to reading on the train went for a really nice tea at Cosmo buffet I did 3 messy laps putting as much food on as i can and I even managed to squezze in dessert so I defiantly got VALUE. Then went to cinema to watch IT Anna didnt get scared but I was jumping around quite a lot even got VIP seats for extra £2 each yeah I no what a BALLER!
Monday 4th - Sunday 10th September 2017 Results : Dym = + £664 Tourney = - £27 Cash = + £374 Points = 4571 Points Bonus = + £49 Promo = + £25 Stars = - £25 Hours = 28 TOTAL = + £1069 Hi all so a really good week for me on tables Dym's went really well and even won abit at cash when I couldnt sleep late Tuesday nite MAGIC! Busy week on the tables this week as its the last week of Prem Promo we have gone for the Champ. So Dym's all week + Prio freeroll Tuesday. Champs League footy Is back YES love it! Tipping Man U to win Had a really nice long weekend at Anna's we headed down to reading on the train went for a really nice tea at Cosmo buffet I did 3 messy laps putting as much food on as i can and I even managed to squezze in dessert so I defiantly got VALUE. Then went to cinema to watch IT Anna didnt get scared but I was jumping around quite a lot even got VIP seats for extra £2 each yeah I no what a BALLER! POINTS = 8882 TOTAL FOR MONTH = + £1480 TOTAL FOR YEAR = + £24,094 Next update Monday!! Posted by TimmyRaRa
Need tips please Tim. It's clear you know how to treat women
Is it me or are the £11 games the softest?. Getting crushed in everything else . How many games does it take before you can judge whether your a winner or not?.
In Response to Re: Timmyrara 2nd year being a PRO : Hi Tim, Thanks for the mention! I have learnt a lot from you, only wish i could learn to be as professional as you are at the tables ;p, i'm sure it will come in time ...... Cheers and Good Luck for the future Posted by WidowT
Monday 11th - Sunday 17th September 2017 Results :
Dym = + £1659
Points = 19297
Points Bonus = + £93
Promo = + £50
Hours = 84
TOTAL = + £1802
Hi ya all wow what a busy week we've just had 7 straight days grinding LOCKDOWN!
As you can see I ran so well its crazy one of my best weeks in Dym's for a long time.
We came joint 2nd in the Champ luckily alancarr had 2 big nites out in Newcastle over the weekend which helped there and Johnmonty won respect to him that kid can grind.
Plan for the week alot more relaxed grind mite flick in the odd tourney or 2 and then heading down to Anna's Thur - Mon.
POINTS = 26928
TOTAL FOR YEAR = + £25,896
One last thing jonnrkd did mention in chat that it was about time I changed the name of the diary so thanks for that and MattBates for telling me how to do it BEER incoming.
Well done on your results last night mate, seen that you did well in nearly every tournament you played Posted by hhamza162
Brilliantly consistent results Timmy and top job on making it work for 4 years +. I know the level of dedication it takes and hope you go from strength to strength!
Gutted I missed Newcastle kid
I was so happy you binked it mate.
Top bloke, rooting for ya!