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*** Sky Poker TV Live tonight! ***

Jules_SowaJules_Sowa Member Posts: 100
edited January 2015 in Poker Chat
Happy New Year poker friends!!

It's my first show in 2015 and the first of our Tuesday Turbo Open nights for 2015 too and the first time in 2015 that I'm working with Stuart Rutter .... can you see where this is going?! There's gonna be a lot of firsts times tonight, hopefully for you it will be the first time you WIN a Sky Poker main event! Let's hope so anyway :) 

On the show tonight, we'l be showing Sunday's Super Roller final table, we'll also be showing the Mini Roller final table, we'll be dipping in to some Master Cash tables too, and we ofcourse will have coverage of tonight's main event that starts at 8pm - the Tuesday Turbo Open! Make sure you get your seat in to that one now!

We'll also be giving away a couple free £33 seats into Thursday's Sky Sports Bounty Hunter to our favourite contributions to the show so make sure you get in touch with your questions for Stu, your hand requests, and your banter too.

I took down my Christmas tree last night, and made sure I did so even though I really couldn't be bothered, mainly because I've been told that it's terribly bad luck if you leave it up after the 6th of January - WHICH IS TODAY. Very scary for a superstitious person like me. So with that in mind, for a bit of banter and fun on the show tonight, I wanna know:

Do YOU have any poker supersitions, pre-tourny or pre-hand rituals that you have to carry out for luck? Or perhaps if you have to wear a pair of lucky pants?!?!

Tweet: #skypokertv
Follow: @skypoker

Me and Stu are about to eat dinner and then we'll see you folks at 7pm!

Jules xx


  • ScrivenerScrivener Member Posts: 17
    edited January 2015
    I listen to Poker Face by Gaga on loop while I'm playing.. after a 6 hr seesion I crawl into the fetus position, listen to 'It's not over yet' by Klaxons and try to regain some sanity
  • Ice_TigerIce_Tiger Member Posts: 1,533
    edited January 2015

    1) Turn over my card protector after each hand (playing live)

    2) Shout "Go Magic Threes" every time three comes on the flop (It helps to have pocket three by the third time though)

    3) Wear pants - I consider that to be lucky. In fact online that is probably all you need to wear

    4) Never drink alcohol although this is probably good sense rather than superstition

    5) Never look at my cards until it is my turn when I am in the blinds

    6) Always look at my cards one at a time in every other position

    Have a great show guys!
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,127
    edited January 2015
    In Response to Re: *** Sky Poker TV Live tonight! ***:
    Superstitions: 1) Turn over my card protector after each hand (playing live) 2) Shout "Go Magic Threes" every time three comes on the flop (It helps to have pocket three by the third time though) 3) Wear pants - I consider that to be lucky. In fact online that is probably all you need to wear 4) Never drink alcohol although this is probably good sense rather than superstition 5) Never look at my cards until it is my turn when I am in the blinds 6) Always look at my cards one at a time in every other position Have a great show guys!
    Posted by Ice_Tiger
    Not if you shut your curtains.

    I don't have any superstitions, I'm not really a superstitious person and it's never done me any harm..............touch wood.

    I am often shouting at the screen though.....please no ace please no ace etc.. but it rarely works!

    Have a great show
  • Jules_SowaJules_Sowa Member Posts: 100
    edited January 2015
    Love these, keep them coming!! 
  • neil1970neil1970 Member Posts: 264
    edited January 2015
    Evening guys and a happy new year!!!

    Superstitions dont really have any reguarding poker,(maybe thats were im going wrong)
    Only thing i do use is my shout at the laptop COME ON 1 TIME !!!! which normally while playing an mtt turns into well just 1 more time ...

    well have a great show guys and heres to a profitable 2015...
  • Nuggy962Nuggy962 Member Posts: 1,104
    edited January 2015
    hey Jules and Stuart - 

    If I disappear from the show its because my wife has decided to give birth to our first child :)

    I have a strange habbit - maybe not superstitious, but always happens during my poker session.  If I make the 3rd break of the main event i spend the break time taking a shower! 
    quick refresh and ready to roll again ;)

    Have a great show guys - looking forward to watching - got the IPAD charged in cas its in a labour ward 
  • ladyalbionladyalbion Member Posts: 72
    edited January 2015
    Don't really have any superstitions, oh apart from crossing my fingers if I shove all-in.  And if I get called I hide my eyes and watch the runout through my fingers :)

    I definitely have poker habits though.  Have to sit in the same spot on each table, have to arrange my tables a certain way on my screen.  And I don't start a session without getting a drink, a snack and going to the loo!

    I also have 'lucky' hands, although they do change over time (not surprisingly!)  At the moment it's pocket jacks - can't lose with them right now :D  Although I'm bound to lose with them next time now I've said that.
  • GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,634
    edited January 2015
    HI Guys,

    Loving the show - so far!

    Isn't it unlucky to have superstitions?  ;-))


    oh and last longer plz
  • FCHDFCHD Member Posts: 3,178
    edited January 2015
    Don't need any superstitions, just hit my first ever royal flush in hold'em. And to make it even better, made it on the turn, and had two people ahead of me shoving. Easiest all I'll ever make!

    (Yes, it is a brag post!)
  • wynne1938wynne1938 Member Posts: 20,572
    edited January 2015
    Cross my fingers,hold my card guard(THS) and lucky charm!
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited January 2015
    evening all, great srhow.

    recent weeks i've been in down fall on cash tables and one of the problem i'm having is getting the maximum value.

    when playing poker, they say you should be playing fish but when ever i'm playing, i seem better off playing against regs.

    the serious problem i have with fish is getting a decent pot size because knowing they call such a wide range it's going to be so common for them to fold.

     is a suited connector and small pocket pair going to be more likely to drain chips when the opponent is a fish?
  • cazzie58cazzie58 Member Posts: 64
    edited January 2015
    Hi Jules and Stu

    Is there a last longer tonight or has that finished? If there is can you put me in please!!
  • RossMcRossMc Member Posts: 159
    edited January 2015
    Evening Jules and Stu, I think playing on Sky Poker has revealed  minor OCD in me! Once I've logged in I have to open up the forum before I reg games, even if I don't look at it, it has to be open.  When I'm mulling over a decision I tap my middle mouse button 4 times before making the decision and all my bets have to end in a 5 or a 0 (unless its an all-in).  Please don't judge me ;)
  • Sir-GarySir-Gary Member Posts: 1,052
    edited January 2015
    In Response to Re: *** Sky Poker TV Live tonight! ***:
    Hi Jules and Stu Is there a last longer tonight or has that finished? If there is can you put me in please!!
    Posted by cazzie58
    Sorry thats finished. 
    Can you put me in for the last longer please
  • Nuggy962Nuggy962 Member Posts: 1,104
    edited January 2015
    Been told it will be a little girl - All though 30 years ago my Mum thought she was having a girl then I popped out.... not sure how to take that :)

    Question for Stu:

    What was your stand out poker moment for 2014 and what it is it (Poker or life in general) that you are most looking forward to in 2015?
  • whitebeastwhitebeast Member Posts: 227
    edited January 2015
    My poker superstition is that I always eat Fruit during the Hands If im eating anything else I seem to do very bad #skypokertv -whitebeast18
  • whitebeastwhitebeast Member Posts: 227
    edited January 2015
    Just quailfed for £2,500 Turbo BH via Freeroll came 4th out of 600 players #Bringiton #skypokertv Player - whitebeast18
  • churchy18churchy18 Member Posts: 1,850
    edited January 2015
    dont really believe in superstitions but here is a weird couple....great show so far..

    Three Sixes – In Christian literature, 6-6-6 is the sign of the antichrist. Some players will fold if they see this combination appear on the flop, unwilling to “participate in Satan’s work.” Those same faithful folks probably don’t play roulette much either, where the sum of the numbers 1 through 36 add up to—you guessed it—666.

    Almost every poker player brings a “charm” to the table, often a card protector like a lucky coin or a rabbit’s foot. One of the most famous is Doyle Brunson’s little $5 black rock; he calls it “Casper” because of its Ghostbusters logo. The trinket seemingly became so powerful that Texas Dolly could lease it out to other players at a rate of $200 for 30 minutes. He claims it has earned him over $15,000 in rental fees alone. One day, Howard Lederer offered $3,500 to buy Casper, and surprisingly Brunson agreed. But there was a caveat—the talisman would only become the Professor’s property upon the Texan’s death.

    Poker & Sex
    – Football coaches tell their players to refrain from sexual relations before a big game because “it takes the edge off.” However, more than a few poker players believe the exact opposite. They swear that their play improves if they have sex the night before a big tournament. They even have a name for it: “getting lucky.”

  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited January 2015
    hand request from the turbo main.


    holding bottom set i've become concerned with the paired board on the turn, now they do say you should never fold a full housr, my thought here is i've did a reraise on the flop which on these boards does normally have lots of sets, therefore i'm thinking his shove on the turn does look more like a full house and in honesty was the reason i Ch.

    Q when a board has got lots of two pair combos likely could i have folded my full house or would it be playing far too tight?
  • whitebeastwhitebeast Member Posts: 227
    edited January 2015
    Queastion for stu at what age was you when you started playing poker For me it was a year ago when i was 18 
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