I noticed that there were no SNG multi table tournaments anymore, apparently they were not popular and have been binned.
Given the popularity of DYMs, I got to thinking that a multi table SNG based on the DYM format might be a little more popular than the regular SNG format.
My idea is for a Double Double Your Money, DDYM SNG tournament.
For ease of counting my example will use an £11 buy in as an example
24 players @ £10=£240 Prize pool
4 tables play DYM format, 12 players eliminated
The remaining 12 play round 2
2 tables play DYM format
6 players eliminated, each winning £12
The remaining 6 players play the final table
Final table DYM format
3 losing players winning £20 each
3 winning players winning £36.00 each
So the question is, would you like to see the DDs
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I agree, to choose between the 2 is like having to decide between sirloin or rib-eye steak.
Venison for the win.
I'd be surprised if they catch on.
It wouldn't be long before interest sags and they stop filling up.
Your next could be your last.