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Sky Poker TV UKPC Special LIVE TONIGHT 7pm- with Rich, Ryan and guests Leigh Wiltshire and Paul Hayc



  • whogoeswhogoes Member Posts: 52
    edited January 2015
    hi richard ,ryan and guests.Looking forward to the show tonight chaps ,ive got a bit of a weird problem that prevents me from playing live poker .The problem i have is that when i get excited(i:e a good hand  dealt to me,or winning)my emotional senses make me sneeze repeatedly ,so i think that would be a bit of a tell .just thought you might find it amusing have a good show....aaaaacccchhhheeeewwww
  • merelcomerelco Member Posts: 4
    edited January 2015
    Hi Ricchard can you put me in the last longer please.Thanks for the mention a few weeks ago about wishing your shoe luck,but l am shoely not expecting a mention tonight .
  • samantha25samantha25 Member Posts: 1,445
    edited January 2015
    Think the most weird thing to happen to me live, was a guy at the side of me sneezing and his false gnashers firing in my bag. 

  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited January 2015
    thanks guys

    my lappie just closed down due to overheating in the middle of some dyms and mttts

    never happened before - so why - guess it was all the hot air from you lot
  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,656
    edited January 2015

    A quick mention about Sam Trickett. After he bubbled the UKPC, I cheekily asked if he wanted to play a £10 Sng with a few of the Sky regs.....he agreed and played it in good spirits. He also got the round in after! A top player, but very humble with it too. It was good to see.

    Question for the panel.

    How do you keep a mental track of what is in the pot in later stages of MTT's? This is a big difference between live and on line and I am after any tips as I am playing more live now....

    PS...I finished 138th! I was knocked out by the very impressive Chickemelt (Andy) who made the FT. I also, thankfully, had a % in Joesman (Neil)
  • degsy1degsy1 Member Posts: 2
    edited January 2015
    Hello Richard, Ryan Leigh and Paul.. We used to play regularly at our local pub and one of my biggest accidental tells was as follows. I was one of the last to act in a multiplayer pot. The flop had just come down and it left me needing a Jack to make a monster hand. It Checked round to me and instead of saying check I said "Jack err I mean check" needless to say everyone knew what I was waiting for.. when it arrived on the river needless to say everybody else folded.
  • andrew1947andrew1947 Member Posts: 261
    edited January 2015
    hi last year final table GUKPT at walsal im have 66 in high jack  i open raise ,one caller in bb cant rember excact cards but there was a flush drawer he checks i bet he calls flop same on turn,he checks river i check i am sure he has been flushing,  i am right he has,ten high, i turn my cards over with a smile,ahhhhh i have 68, i misread my hole cards he wins with ten high sigh
  • CormachCormach Member Posts: 140
    edited January 2015

     Hi guys. A question for Leigh and Paul.

     Having played live poker with Apat and Sky Poker,what do you think about players that have a few too many drinks. Do you look at this as a good opportunity to get a few chips or just stay clear of this player?

      Great show.

  • jayjaydeejayjaydee Member Posts: 17
    edited January 2015
    In Response to Re: Sky Poker TV UKPC Special LIVE TONIGHT 7pm- with Rich, Ryan and guests Leigh Wiltshire and Paul Haycock ***official message thread***:
    Hello Richard, Ryan Leigh and Paul.. We used to play regularly at our local pub and one of my biggest accidental tells was as follows. I was one of the last to act in a multiplayer pot. The flop had just come down and it left me needing a Jack to make a monster hand. It Checked round to me and instead of saying check I said "Jack err I mean check" needless to say everyone knew what I was waiting for.. when it arrived on the river needless to say everybody else folded. Degsy1
    Posted by degsy1
    Talk about a Freudian slip. Made me smile degsy1, thanks ;)
  • andrew1947andrew1947 Member Posts: 261
    edited January 2015
    ps i was told there was a lot of coments on the live feed lol

  • FCHDFCHD Member Posts: 3,178
    edited January 2015
    Rich, can you have a go at the graphic  people please?

    On the ticker, we are still getting urged to get involved with the UKOPS series that finished a fortnight ago!
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited January 2015
    1st day of a superstack 2-day event - about 40 runners - and then they started disappearing.....

    #1 is stopped at the check-in
    #2  is asked to leave after 15 mins
    #3 never comes back after the dinner break (having been recognised on the security cameras during dinner)

    the rest of us were looking over our shoulders for when it was our turn!

  • DCFC4EVERDCFC4EVER Member Posts: 38
    edited January 2015
    Live Poker Story,

    Hi Rich, this story wasn't funny at the time but makes me smile every time I think about it.

    On my first visit to DTD on my own for a live game at a freeze out feeling very nervous, I made my way to the bar got a drink, then I looked around to find someone to talk to, hoping to find out how it all works.
    I went and stood next to this guy who was about 6 foot ten and towered above me!!
    We were chatting, I ask him how it all works he was very helpful, then I looked up at him in his dark glasses and ask "do they all wear these sunglasses to frighten and intimidate other players? (Big mistake).  He looked down at me and said "I'm partially Sighted"

    I said oh sorry and moved on swiftly, I could have crawled under the carpet!! 

  • concon12concon12 Member Posts: 63
    edited January 2015
    **** guys great show as per usual

    Can you tell me if this is the right call?

    861345866 hand number
  • rainman397rainman397 Member Posts: 1,394
    edited January 2015
    Good evening Mr Orford, Mr Spittles, Mr Haycock and Mr Wiltshire.
    I Would consider it a great honour if Mr Haycock and Mr Wiltshire could spare the time to participate in the £2.20 @2.20 deepstack.
    Congratulations to you both on your cashes.
    All the best
  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited January 2015
    Hi all,

    Really enjoying the show albeit feeling a bit left out on the forum chat as I have never played a live tournament. It is something I would very much love to do though.

    I have played plenty of home games, where much of the comedy comes from "educating" the newer players who join.

    Having to explain why 6 card straights and 3 pairs are really just a straight and 2 pair and are therefore split pots has taken some diplomatic language.

    The worst situation though was having to request someone post a blind who didnt accept that they still had to having just bust a player. They didnt understand the rules regarding the button moving to the dead player so that the SB and BB sequence continued. I nearly got punched for my trouble - and this was with mates,

    All of this kind of puts me off self dealt events. Wondering what the guys think of self-dealt events (if they can remember that far back in their career) and whether they have any stories from them, or advice about how to handle them?

  • aussie09aussie09 Member Posts: 8,033
    edited January 2015

      10:00 PM main mini both % main in mini  
      entered 607 660 267 44  
      left 79 222 14    
      harryct 4 86      
      cardu 9 167      
      jimmytoon 17 49      
      gazscoop 28 99      
      sonicsco24 34 126      
      gandy83 41 88      
      hhyftrftdr 49 107      
      Matt237 51 192      
      torres215 52 149      
      stewie7 54 26      
      SilentChiv 62 206      
      obab 66 152      
      luma7801 68 172      
      TimmyRaRa 72 25      

  • rspca12rspca12 Member Posts: 618
    edited January 2015
    how if any will u game change from this ukpc compared to the last one? with this one being full ring
  • whitebeastwhitebeast Member Posts: 227
    edited January 2015
    In Response to Re: Sky Poker TV UKPC Special LIVE TONIGHT 7pm- with Rich, Ryan and guests Leigh Wiltshire and Paul Haycock ***official message thread***:
    The floor approaches a player seated behind me at another table in the 1 seat. Apparently the player is so drunk that he can't keep up with the game at all and basically has no idea what's going on.  Floor asks the player to come with him telling him he will get him some food at the buffet. The player agrees, stands up, and projectile vomits all over the table, his chips, his neighbor's chips, and the dealer's tray. I have never seen a table clear so fast since
    Posted by whitebeast

    It was only my 3rd time ever Playing live poker Fair to say Ive seen nothing like it since 
  • david666david666 Member Posts: 123
    edited January 2015
    Playing in my local pub game about 7 years ago. Usual set up, 2 tables of 8, seats decided by drawing A-8 from both decks.

    I draw the 7 of diamonds and take my seat ready for action.  Action starts and I get dealt in, observing everything in great detail as usual.

    Play procedes for an hour or more and on a new deal I squeeze out the 9 of hearts, slide it over the top of my other card and squeeze out the 9 of hearts. 

    A bit confused I again slide the 9 of hearts above my second card and peel the corner to reveal the 9 of hearts. 

    Annoyed at my inability to carefully view my own hand I grab the two cards off the table and see I was in fact dealt a suited pocket pair.

    Got a good laugh from everyone at both tables, never seen anything like it before or since.

    great show guys and great insight, keep up the good work.


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