Since you're all so brilliant at being vocal - I need your feedback!
We're thinking of rebranding the Magnificent Seven promotion page. We just want to know what you guys think of it at present?
When you think of Magnificent Seven - what comes to mind?
Is the page content interesting/easy to understand?
Any improvements you'd make?
The image attached is a very rough draft I did of what the page could look like? Mini 'On Air' tabs show which tournaments could be shown live on Sky Poker TV, images to show which tournaments on what night, and mini-series at the bottom so you can find more diverse games. The images could be clicked to open up more indepth tournament info too.
Thoughts/opinions/feedaback - let's have it!
Sky Kirsty
Changes to Sky Poker's Website
The images you have posted look great to me, although the black background doesn't really match the rest of the "Sky Poker Blue" branding.