I have just fitted a PCB in c/h boiler that went down on Thursday cost £225 with £30 of that delivery on Saturday charge :-( saved over £100 fitting it myself, rather pleased with myself as its now working perfectly ;-)
PNE are still in the FA cup West Ham are still in the FA cup I know Chelsea and Man City fans Going to see Phoenix Nights live on Saturday Posted by Phantom66
Phoenix nights- am so jealous!, every time I think of the hypnotist in that it makes me crack up. Reasons to be cheerful for me,15 down 8 to go.
In Response to Re: Reasons to be cheerful : Phoenix nights- am so jealous!, every time I think of the hypnotist in that it makes me crack up. Reasons to be cheerful for me,15 down 8 to go. Posted by tomgoodun
Lol,not the hypnotist,I meant the bloke who talks to those who have passed away,(points to woman with a big s on her necklace,don't tell me your name..its sar Sam Sheila sus ...lmao
All the best