one thing i have noticed is the appaling DYM skills of some of the players, typical example is 4 players left, short stack is all in, and you would expect the other 3 to just call and check it down to showdown, but here on sky you find someone shoving all in on the flop to try and "win" more chips and price out the other players
i just dont get it, someone explain to me why they do this.........
The tables get much tougher at level 6, no more soft spots.

Played badly, deservedly busted, back to square 1
level 4 complete
This challenge is like trying to climb a greasy pole. I keep getting half-way up then slipping back down
Edit; ooops, bubbled level 5.
Failed level 5. KQ v K4 ffs, all in pre and called , who are these people lol.
Try again tomorrow.