Hi all, i played a cash game for the first time today, and while i finished in profit (brag over) i realised that i dont really know much about the rake side of things or cash games in general.
i've seen people call cash games 4nl, 10nl, 20 nl but what the **** does that mean?
what % of each pot goes to rake? i tried searchng the site for info but couldnt find it, i only found out that for every £1 in rake you pay u get 6 poker points. (why is it lower than the poker points you get for Mtts and S&g's, which are 10 points for each £1?)
i tried asking the guys i was sat with but they were ignoring me, should probably of asked before i won their money
10njl has blinds of 5p/10p etc.
link below has the rake details
Rake levels: 5p/10p and below
(*Rounded down to the nearest pence)
Rake levels: Above 5p/10p
(*Rounded down to the nearest pence)