Your next live show is tonight and, with Ross moving on to pastures new, it looks like I'll be rekindling a budding alternative bromance... Sky Poker TV LIVE! Sunday 1st February 2015 7pm-midnight
Channel 861 or streamed from
With Richard ‘...and this is a building’ Orford

...and Joe 'I don't know what the subtitles read, but I'll be in big trouble if they're what I'm actually saying' Stapleton

And we're live on the stroke of 7pm for what promises to be another five-hour pokertainment blockbuster.
They'll be laughs, they'll be poker, they'll be your messages, they'll be THE £25,000 MEGA ROLLER, they'll be THE UKPC FINAL, and they'll be much else besides!
Please send in as much as you like to the show to be read out to the rest of the community and viewing audience.
Everyone who has a message read out, or a hand request shown, goes in the hat from which we'll draw three winners at around 11.30pm of Turbo Tuesday main event seats.
Joe and I will think of subjects throughout the night for you to fire in your thoughts on, but to get the ball rolling before the show, how about..?

What do people do or say in poker which have been done to death and have therefore lost all meaning.
For example- when two opponents turn their cards over on the river and and it turns out they had the same hand all along- at least one of then, often both of them, will exclaim in the chatbox 'Nice hand!'
I know this, because I did it myself only the other day.
What other ones have you come across, or are guilty of committing yourself?
See you at 7!
up there is, "great show tonight, rich"
ps great show tonight, rich.
When you really mean... i'm glad you're out i've just laddered :-)
Yet recently when profiled on the show in a main event did he raise? did he fold? couldn't believe It
He did a HORACE (wimp limp)
Thank Goodnes Stapes always does what he says!!! (Takes the michael out of Hartigan! of course)
I've never seen his poker, I dont think he's lasted past late reg lol
"Everyone loves a chopped pot"
It's good to see Joe getting a lot of practice on the sofa, but that's enough of the gossip from the Atlantis Resort in The Bahamas. Here's a couple of questions for Joe:
1) Do you think that now your preparing to take over from your older-ego, the
Dynamo from Derby at Sky, is making you a tad more terse when critiquing hands?
2) If you could Muppetise poker, what character name would you give Dave Ulliott?
Poker terms that are heard in our house on a regular basis are:
"How could you call with that load of......................"
"You lucky Ba.................."
One for Richard: Why don't we see you at the UKPC's?
Happy Variance