Firstly let me start by saying this is not a post raging agaisnt sky and its software and how laggy it is, that may be the case, or may not be fact is i dont know enough about computers to say either way.
when playing more than two tables i experience extreme lag which forces me to fold hands and be "away". my pc was bought no more than 3 months ago and plays games like skyrim, wow, theif, FM (with 6 countried and aorund 19/20 leagues), all perfectly with no issues at all with lags or graphic card capalities (graphic settings always up to the max) so im just wondering what i can do my end to stop this from happening, is their a certain upgrade i should make to my pc? i know the obvious answer is play two tables but i like playing 2 dyms and an MTT or 3 dyms.
any advice apprieciated as it cost me abit in tonights DTD2 so got me abit mad.
if u need to know any spec details for my pc im sure i could find them but it may take a while lol
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Main tip would be to make sure you are playing through a wired connection, not wireless.
Wireless broadband is slower, less reliable and less secure.
My pc is 7 years old and has been multitabling sky even before download was available.