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*** Tonight's Live Show with Jules, Karl, & Julian! ***

Jules_SowaJules_Sowa Member Posts: 100
edited February 2015 in Poker Chat
So on tonight's show, we've got a bit of a Jules sandwich! It's me, and Mr Julian Thew, with Karl Mahrenholz squidged up in the middle. We have no set structure to tonight's show at the moment, so it'll be a fun 5 hours of poker and chat with our two amazing poker pros. 

We'll be here at the usual time 7pm til midnight and one thing we definitely know is that we will be showing hands from tonight's main event, the £6,000 Turbo Open! It's only £11 to buy in so I know loads of you will be involved tonight, but don't forget satellites are running all day for you to get in for under £3. Goodluck!

As always, we'll also have some prizes/free seats to give away on the live show.. I'll confirm these later on. ALL contributions will be entered into the draw, so get your emails, posts, tweets, questions, hand id's, random chit chat in now!

And it's February. ACTUAL February. Where did January go????!!!!!! Good news is it's the month of the UKPC (21 days to go), woop! And it's also the month of LOVE (Valentines Day in 11 days time people). SO let's keep it simple tonight, answers on a postcard please:

What do you LOVE about poker?

Tweet: #skypokertv
Post on the forum below.

See you later lovers! 

Jules xx


  • whitebeastwhitebeast Member Posts: 227
    edited February 2015
    I love the up and downs of poker Each hand/round is never the same and it keeps it Fun and fresh You also meet new people and Then make friends for life Poker brings people together 
  • Sir-GarySir-Gary Member Posts: 1,052
    edited February 2015
    Great  show so far keep it up.
    What do I love about Poker?
    I guess it's a love hate relationship, I love the up's and downs and also hate them. It's what makes poker great.
  • Chris_McChris_Mc Member Posts: 1,340
    edited February 2015
    I love most things about poker, 

    i love playing learning and of course the feeling of making a FT!!!

    i love the forum and the people i meet, im now in so may groups on facebook with people ive never met sharing stories of hands and live games and of course following the big tournaments.

    i love the fact that one day, even though i play small stakes most times, that one day that could be me one of these massive events, through a satalite e.g the UKPC £1,000,000 (im not though) but the possabilites are endless.

    i love sitting at a table with 9 random people and let the conversation take off, the feeling of the cards snapping in my hand, the sounds of everyones chips in the room looking at the players left and the preizepool sizing up everyones stacks, 

    pure and simple i just love playin, it is my favoutite hobby and passtime,

    i love the fact im playing in the turbo tonight for free, from winning a seat.

    and i  love skypoker, ok your software needs looked at but the forum and live shows the guests on the show and presenters are 2nd to none,

    keep it up sky!

  • Jules_SowaJules_Sowa Member Posts: 100
    edited February 2015
    Great stuff guys! Keep them coming in... Julian will be with us later so any questions for Mr Thew? Any questions for Karl about your game or tips for the Ukpc perhaps? 
  • StayOrGoStayOrGo Member Posts: 12,198
    edited February 2015
    I love the community on Sky Poker.

    I think most people are aware now, of the charity competition that I set up at the start of the year.

    Well, thanks to the fantastic Sky Poker community, £2,130 has already been pledged, to a whole host of wonderful charities.

    Many thanks again for all the support with this initiative.

    Cheers Graham (StayOrGo)
  • Matt237Matt237 Member Posts: 1,785
    edited February 2015
    A thing I love about poker is the discussions around particular hands, other than a few instances like DYM bubble spots or late stages in MTT there is more than 1 potentially optimal way to play a hand, and different viewpoints can be equally as valid.

    Also the sky poker community, lots of friendly people around and already know some friends for life. Have great support on my diary too.

    Look forward to show.
  • Ice_TigerIce_Tiger Member Posts: 1,533
    edited February 2015
    Great Show So Far Guys!

    I have always enjoyed playing sport & love the competitive element of it. However, age has meant that there are few physical pursuits for me to use my competitive spirit on so poker fits the bill perfectly. You can train to get better and play lots of different people. It is a great game to compete at & a great way to make friends.
  • TENTENTENTENTENTEN Member Posts: 481
    edited February 2015
    love being part of a team ( go team outlaws ) great fun to rail your team mates & to have them rail you when you all go deep & make final tables in tournies
  • whitebeastwhitebeast Member Posts: 227
    edited February 2015
    What’s the biggest mistake you’ve ever made during a poker game?
  • cleansweepcleansweep Member Posts: 598
    edited February 2015
    What do you LOVE most about poker?

    You'll never suffer from insomnia!!

    After mammoth sessions, you can sleep for days!
  • Any2SuitedAny2Suited Member Posts: 1,240
    edited February 2015
    Have a  great show, the things i love about poker is that you can play any way you like and win pots regardless of hands. I also love that at the low stakes that i play, i can send somebody who maybe "normal" in real life on tilt for playing my own Any2suited cards or connectors, and beating their hand because they are to skilful and above my level of thinking! Whether they are trapping and not betting, so i can play a cheap flop!! When i then say its only a £2 tourney or don't react how they want, they go tilty?Great game.
  • CardiffAceCardiffAce Member Posts: 80
    edited February 2015
    I love the sitting down at a MTT with hundreds of players & putting my game against them to see how far I can actually before im knocked out. Nothing better than coming in the top 5/10% - that is the best moral boost for myself I could ask for!!
  • AllInKevAllInKev Member Posts: 101
    edited February 2015
    What do I love about Poker!? Bit like married life - it has it's ups and downs!! Can be very enjoyable in many different ways (socially / pitting your skills against others / winnings pots and doing well in tournaments) be can also be equally frustrating! And don't worry, the wife isn't watching!!

  • Chris_McChris_Mc Member Posts: 1,340
    edited February 2015
    yes i was rubbing them lol

    he was getting involved in a lot of boards and not the first time his stack was shoved so, i called it off, 

    i didnt think there was much out there and snapped hime/her off, 

    anyway NH!!! and good luck, 39/434 in the mini though with a head so see how that will go.
  • memfnomemfno Member Posts: 461
    edited February 2015
    What do i love about poker?

    When my A game is like the A TEAM and I love it when a plan comes together!

    Unfortunately, so often, the poker gods love it when a plan falls apart!

  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    edited February 2015
    Hi all, 

    My favouraite thing about poker? Winning an MTT is without doubt the best feeling there is in poker. Its not even about the money, ive finished 2nd and 3rd etc in tournaments for more than some wins but after playing for hours and winning the whole thing its priceless!

    Keep up the good work guys. 
  • whitebeenwhitebeen Member Posts: 50
    edited February 2015
    What was you biggest defeat In terms of you leading By miles and then losing ?
  • whitebeastwhitebeast Member Posts: 227
    edited February 2015
    If you have AA pre flop and EVERYONE at the table "6 seated" Called the Table leader all in would you call or would you fold ?
  • GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,634
    edited February 2015
    Do Karl &  Julian have any favourite starting hands?  i.e. hands that seem to run well for them?
    Loving the show BTW.
  • Jules_SowaJules_Sowa Member Posts: 100
    edited February 2015
    Keep your posts coming in for Julian and Karl! And of course, tell us what you LOVE most about poker?

    UKPC QF satellite seats up for grabs!! 
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