Thus far in 2015, Poker-Wise I've played very little as I spend alot of my free time with my Love Interest! Although I am sometimes now playing on Monday and Wednesday.
The bulk of my hours I put in on sky at the moment I am playing cash at 4NL Level (2p/4p) which I've got very used to playing, are quite often break-even or make a small profit...Oh Yeah and the odd loss thrown in too!
Usually I buy-in for £2, which is something although technically it's "Short-Stacking" I feel comfortable playing this way.
DYM's have fallen by the way-side but the most recent time I played them I lost one and cashed I still feel as though I have the skills required and not become too rusty.
My moment of note thus far this year was playing a 30min timed MTT and I managed to not only survive but make a small 30p Profit. Though I could have doubled my buy-in but I got dealt JJ with the penultimate hand of the competition and lost a chunk of chips, to a guy who flopped top 2pr and rivered a F/Hse.
So there you have it! Perhaps a little bit of an add-on coming if I'm at home Wednesday and a Shot and the Main/Mini Rebuys? Esp as the monday mains are a little bit too out of budget for me yet...Spose I could always try and satelitte in? (perhaps through the russian roulette method?)