I 'm a recreational player who at the moment whilst playing other tourneys, I am attempting the dym challenge from 60p to £100 to win a seat in the £110 roller.
Now while playing a £1 dym I apologised for knocking out a player when in the big blind in an unraised pot with 89 in my hand. The flop comes down 889 ! I knock player the out and his response is ......"Don't worry about me Pal, i won £16 k last night at poker!"
Should we say nothing at this point?
Should we ask that after such a big cash why are you playing £1 dyms the next night?
Should we just say (again) unlucky tonight but at least you have £15000+ in the bank from your big win and tomorrow is another day.And there's no need for swearing, bad beats happen.
I do find these kinds of porky pies quite funny, at least make up something remotely feasible