Asking for a friend (for real this time). If someone already has a main ticket for tomorrow, can they play tonight's live sat and use the token if successful for another £1k at DTD like the UKIPT if they don't need to re enter?
Great updates as always Tighty. Asking for a friend (for real this time). If someone already has a main ticket for tomorrow, can they play tonight's live sat and use the token if successful for another £1k at DTD like the UKIPT if they don't need to re enter? Posted by TommyD
Great updates as always Tighty. Asking for a friend (for real this time). If someone already has a main ticket for tomorrow, can they play tonight's live sat and use the token if successful for another £1k at DTD like the UKIPT if they don't need to re enter? Posted by TommyD
Thomas Dunwoodie makes it 11,000
Bryan all in
Bryan A-Ko
Dunwoodie K-K
Bryan now on 180,000
Alex Spencer has turned the nuts with Q-J
Jareth East has flopped the straight with 6-7
Robert Tinnion has flopped middle set with 8-8
Alex Spencer is at/near the chip lead with 260,000
Steve Watts 6600 in the small blind
John Hall calls in the big blind
Chambers calls
9h 3h 2d
Watts leads for 10,000
Hall makes it 20,000
Chambers folds
Watts 45,000
Qh turn
Watts all-in
Hall call
Watts Kh Kc
Hall Qd Qs
river 7h
Watts wins a 270,000 pot
Sirunas has Kh Kd
Frey has called a raise pre-flop with 8c 8d
turn 4h
river 2s
Frey knocks him out and goes over 200,000
Alex Spencer calls
Eleanor Gudger makes it 5,000
Grgic all in
Spencer folds
Gudger calls
Grgic A-K
Gudger 8-8
9-7-3-8-4 to knock Grgic out
Dee calls with A-Q
7-8-8-4-J, Dee rivering a flush to knock Kimber out
Waheed Ashraf checks
Alex Spencer 6,000
Ashraf calls
Ashraf 7,000
Spencer calls
Ashraf check calls 22,000
Spencer shows Jh Kh and Ashraf mucks
Steve Watts is in the big blind
Yian shoves the button
Mallu decides to gamble in the small blind
Watts calls both
Watts K-K
Mallu 6-9dd
Liperis Q-6cc
Watts knocks out both and is chip leader with over 300,000
or the £1,000 8 max this weekend
or the next festival event at DTD
Alex calls with A-J and is ahead against 5-5
the river is a King
and Goulder knocks out Kane
Tom Hall 11,200
Bamford 19,500
Hall all in 50,700
Bamford K-K
Hall 10-10
8-4-A-10-7 to double Hall up
Tom Hall 4,000
Keith Christie calls
Charlie Combes calls
Ac Qs 5c
check to Hall who c-bets 5,800
Christie calls
check check
Christie 13,000
Hall folds
Gareth Teatum calls on the button
both blinds steve watts and daniel parsonage call
5d Jd 6c
all check to teatum who bets 10,000
watts and parsonage fold
thew all in for 50,000
Teatum calls all in for about 40,000
Thew A-10
Teatum 5-6
turn 4
river 10
Thew down to 10,000
top chip counts are
Ian Gwynne 380,000
Leslie Packer 235,000
Steve Watts 220,000
Ben Farrell 210,000
Alex Goulder 210,000
Jay Scott 3 bet the small blind for 13,000 over a Simon Brooks button raise
Brooks 4 bet to 80,000
Scott shoved for 270,000
Scott Q-Q
Brooks A-K
10-2-J-5-3 wins the races for Scott and sends him into the chip lead