Hi, ya'all
Doing my best to sat to VLV. Tonite, meh regs are oot! So, I have an idea, bear with me...this is where Rob comes in.
Could all the "serious" regs list the nights they "CANT" play sats on here. e.g Tommyd=cant play weds cos I do hosp radio, Snedds=cant do tues cos washing ma hair, Chicknmelt, cant do .....well ya get the picture. Your help in this venture WILL be surprising!! Aussie09 could ya tell me best nite to play sats? ;-))
yes pad. i reckon (cos i have no figures on this) best night to play satelites is sunday. based on the volume of players means that the reg/recs ratio is watered down.
what i would do is register at the highest level you can comfortably afford to lose. defo not the lowest entry levels. then just go for it.
if you fail, abandon it for the day. try again next sunday.
also, if you see chicknmelt or tommyd, go and hide under the table. they'll not notice you in seat 7. then you can just burrow your way to a final seat.
become a skypoker mole. its fun down here.