last night I couldn't register for up your game an put up a thread saying it was a shambles which I agree was over the top and im sorry was just frustrated as its happened a few times in the past which I agree the engineers always sort out the problem so yes im guilty ov goin over the top I was only trying to enter what sky advertised an which I think is great of sky since ive been a member on here for 6 years they run great promotions of which im grateful and they give out some superb prizes so im deeply sorry for any offence taken. but what im not guilty for is receiving posts from members saying I shouldn't be moaning as I only earned 324 points in a month I play £1dyms up to £3dyms as that's wot my bankroll can afford and I feel comfortable at those levels as I do ok I cant afford to play higher stakes I play at least 5hrs a day at low levels which I think is a lot of poker that's why I only got 324 points last month i thought poker was to play and enjoy and play what you can afford to lose just because i play lower levels dosent mean to say my game is any better or worse than the guys who play higher levels so once again i apologise to sky and to the community if i annoyed anybody just wanted to get that of my chest sleep better tonigt lol
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This promo was aimed at the recreational players who dont play so much to give them a chance to earn something, play more poker and improve their game so your a perfect example of this. there will be plenty of promos for the people who play alot more to reep the rewards of.
best of luck at the tables
Yes, Sky sometimes do mess things up, but it was clear there was a little teething problem last night, nothing more or major, and days before the first freeroll even starts! So to see thread after thread pop up with people pulling their hair out over something so trivial grates on me and many others.
Nice post, not many would come back with it so credit where its due, and good luck in the freerolls. I didn't even qualify for any of them
when I first looked at this promotion my first thought was its silly me spending another £25 to qualify for a free roll with a
possible 2500 runners but I persevered and got to 125 points, I played extra games and dyms and started the last day of
February on 144 points played my usual 7-45 and 9-15 ds during the course of one of these games the table chat was that
the double points for dym's carried on till Monday I asked was that right as it was march tomorrow yes i was assured any
points earned over the weekend count towards the promotion.
so when the normal occurred and I was out of both fairly early I went railing other players and watched the out come of
the final tables by now with 147 points in the bag I went to play on the dym bagged another 2 points but as it was
nearing curfew time and i was shattered I took to my bed saying I would get the required point in the morning.
imagine my horror when I logged in on sunday to be greeted with the information that I had earned 147 points in feb and
2 points in march.
hands up I had made a mistake taking what was said on table chat as gospel I should have read the terms and conditions
for myself, I went to customer care the lad on chat wasn't quite sure of the promotion but his first response was that its
impossible for your points to be wrong. I finally got through to him that being a dumb blond I had taken notice of wrong
advice given in the right spirit at the tables and as a gesture of goodwill would sky allow me to join the 150 point game
well jobs worthy would have none of it rules are rules after a while i finally got him to agree to go and seek his manager
the reply was that sky had been very good to me before crediting me with rebates when I'd claimed for major connection
problems (a whole 2 i think.) which weren't my fault anyway and crediting points one occasion when I was credited with 1
point and then I had followed skys daily guide of you have x amount of points followed that earned the required points
and ended up on 99 instead of 100 when I queried it the points cant be wrong stock answer but in the end I got it and
received a whole £1 but no I could not join the second tier game.
despite me pointing out that I was a nearly every night of the week player and nearly always a net monthly loser and a
regular sky bet customer no change of heart was forthcoming.
I said that i thought they were not taking me seriously and on principle would be taking my business else where but didn't
want to leave the sky community as I had made a lot of friends that was when a entry into the4--00 freeroll was mentioned eeh lol.
so from a promotion that is jointly aimed at getting sky customers to spend more money and giving the players the chance
to play in bigger tournaments against better players we end up with sky losing a loyal customer and a blond suffering from
with poker withdrawal symptoms like a alcoholic gagging for a drink or a smoker trying to kick the habit craving a cig.
has time to post war and peace on here how did it come to this over 3 points or a bit off goodwill.
just for good measure my points earned in my accounts says 147 for feb an e-mail this morning informed me that I had
earned 144 points in the February up your game promotion but the points are never wrong.
come on sky if left hand can rob 3 points off me surely the right hand can waive 3 especially with all those empty seats.
fchd as you see I had already admitted my mistake and was appealing for a gesture of goodwill and whilst I agree that
everyone has the right to their opinion I think sometimes a bit off compassion could be applied in situations where people
have embraced the concept of the promotion and missed out due to a genuine mistake.
No other way of contacting you, can you drop me a private message plz.