Can I please ask how many packages are available for the VLV promotion to be won via satellites?
On first skim through I thought it reads as 5 packages for the 10k promotion and 15 packages for the 3.2k promotion - but on reading through the flow chart thingy it seems to suggest that there are the 5 packages for the 10k promotion - but only 5 guaranteed packages for the 3.2k promotion?
I'm obviously having a blonde day today - but can someone please clarify for me as to whether it will be 5 or 15 packages for the 3.2k promotion which can be won via the satellite route?
There are 5 x £10,000 packages available to be won by the Satellite route.
The Promo page says.....
"Satellite routes to Viva Las Vegas packages
Head to the poker lobby from Monday 2nd March where you will find all our satellites under the 'Vegas' tab. Satellites are available for both the £3,200 and £10,000 packages.
How many of each package are available?
£3,200 packages - 15 to be won
£10,000 packages - 5 to be won"
All the info is HERE
The whole basket of packages - via Satellites, Cash Games, SNG's, everything, really is quite a mouthful, & not easy to absorb in a single reading. We have already had a few instances where "speed-reading" has caused misunderstandings or confusion.
So, if anyone has any questions, just fire away, & Kirsty or myself will try & reply.
Ideally, it would be better for everyone, & if the questions go on the main "Viva Las Vegas" thread, which is HERE
I really don't like to see more than 1 or 2 "stickied threads", as they kill Forums, but if we use the main thread all the rtime, it will keep itself on or near the front page.
We'll try & update it with qualifying news as it proceeds, too.