Was in process of attempting to late reg into a few low stakes mtt's and sat's when I realised I could not see any of the in game statistics so thought hey why not see what others thoughts on the matter are?
Love playing on the go, and having the little one playing on the iPad is far easier when I am multitasking rocking her to sleep while I play my morning games.
However, unless I know the format well there are a number of disadvantages in using a tablet or mobile devise. Was wondering if anyone
A. Knows why these features are removed and
B. any chance of them ever coming into play?
My list of features that prevent me playing that bit more is as follows:
- Structure - when late Registering can not see average stack / chip leaders stack etc (important in a sat late regimen only one / 2 places qualify)
- Lobby - impossible to view once in game so makes mtt's and sats less enjoyable to play.
- Find a player - can't so can not watch an mtt and rail
- My tables, only have option to jump into game not view anything
If anyone knows if anything is in pipeline that would be super
