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As some of you know, I play 1/2 cash poker at my local casino on Friday/Saturday.
As is the case with local games that you attend with any kind of regularity, you get to see the same faces repeatedly and you may even become friendly with some of them.
Paul is a nice guy who I get along with well. He plays quite often and through conversation I have discovered he has been out of work for some time… and yes, whether he should or shouldn’t be playing poker is a discussion for another time.
Anyway, I picked up AA, raised to about £7 pre. Folds all around until Paul – sitting right next to me – calls. Flop is AJ4. He leads out for £8. I call. Turn is another jack and he again leads for £16. I flat call him again. The river is a 9. He bets £32. Throughout the hand I’ve been indicating to him that I have a monster to try and slow him down, but he maybe thinks I’m blagging it.
Here is my dilemma. I like this guy, and I know he’s unemployed. If I flat call with the effective nuts (unless he has quad jacks) to save him money, it almost looks like collusion. I know I’m supposed to shove and put him all in (he has about £50 behind, and I have him covered) but I don’t really want him to call if I do. I want him to know he is behind and save himself some money.
What would you do?
In game I would play hard and try to win all of the money. If he's a good mate I might slip him £50 or so back after the game is done but tbh, I would probably just keep the money in most cases.
Paul should not be playing if he cannot afford to lose 1 buyin
You should shove and presuming it is only you and him in the hand perhaps verbally suggest a fold would be a good idea assuming he trusts you.
I was playing at Caesers Palace in a normal evening tournament, 4 paid 5 were left and I picked up AA in the big blind, my other half raised the button (she had AJ), it was called by SB and I shipped from the BB, she called and I bubbled her, she accepted it was part of the territory.
I also busted Dave Harvey Hitman in an APAT game in very similar circumstances but it's all part of the game, beer afterwards!!
Yeah, I figured that would be the general consensus…
I did shove, but – as has been suggested – I verbally declared I had him beaten and strongly advised that a fold would be his best option. I said I’d show him if he folded just so he knew I wasn’t lying.
Alas, he called with his bare jack (for trips) and lost his money. I told him he would’ve saved a lot – probably folding on the flop – had he let me take the betting lead!
You could just as soon try and stop winning pots from people in low-paid employment, retirees, blokes with a couple of young kids etc
The whole concept of poker and taking money from other people is a bit of a moral dilema, but as soon as we decide to play we've made our minds up that it's ok to take their cash (on the main thinking, 'it's their money, they aren't forced to put it down at a poker table')
Plus if this fella is any cop at poker, he'll cooler you or someone else for stacks at some point and erase the losses from this hand
Absolute jerk
If the situation was the other way around - are we saying its ok for him to take our money cause we have a job, but it's not ok to take his cause he doesn't.?
I'm pretty sure he would take yours m8, so i'm happy to play it as normal. I certainly wouldn't play it soft on him.