Had to post this hand to prove i wasnt lying about my hand... for those of you concerned

TMT_TBESmall blind £0.25£0.25£110.45SafeHandRMBig blind £0.50£0.75£120.97spopococSit out wing65Sit out Your hole cards52 OnlySmellsFold hhamza162Raise £1.00£1.75£99.00TMT_TBECall £0.75£2.50£109.70SafeHandRMFold Flop 33Q TMT_TBECheck hhamza162Bet £1.88£4.38£97.12TMT_TBECall £1.88£6.26£107.82Turn 7 TMT_TBECheck hhamza162Bet £4.70£10.96£92.42TMT_TBECall £4.70£15.66£103.12River J TMT_TBECheck hhamza162Bet £11.00£26.66£81.42TMT_TBERaise £30.00£56.66£73.12hhamza162All-in £81.42£138.08£0.00TMT_TBEFold hhamza162Muck hhamza162Win £73.86 £73.86hhamza162Return £62.42£1.80£136.28
It would of been a tough one to call but a tight fold if it was 77
Next time you see a live show thread just C+P that line of info (hand ID, date, time) and say it was Mastercash 36, job done.