I finally ran out of poker points,i got on to chat to ask if there was any chance of a few points as i like freerolls,10pts mostly,aS a long time but losing player!,no probelm with that,its a hobby for me they cost £.i'm not poor,just pokerpoor,I go to Loch Awe fishing with my son n brotHer 31lb 2oz(pike) for the last 12yrs,same tent(just mine) different waders,floats,rods,bivvies n sad to say bedchairs n telly for them,in the gOod scottish rain n my bro n son are laughin at me coz im sittin next to a fire gettin wee fire metoers landin n they are watchIna film?? from a £silly amoUnt bivvy,aye skyman said no points mr preston,robotic response n then teminated my chat,robot, so sad,even offered to donate alL winnings upto £100(think positive) from said points. Ramblerant over,i'll be back..Thanks for reading it if ye diD.
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I love this post,
Give him some points tight me skyman haha.
Good luck kadoom..