Tomorrow will be my first live MTT, i've played online for years but not once have i played a live MTT and so would like to ask for some advice about MTTs live.
Q. for entry is it just a case of going to the desk asking for entry into the DTD and giving my name?
Q how will i know which table i'm on when the MTT starts?
Q. Will the MTT have breaks or do i need to ask the dealer when i need a break?
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Hi Craig,
Assuming you are a Member, yes, just go to the desk, ideally with your Membership Card, & buy in. It's that simple.
Your Table & Seat draw will be displayed on the plasma screens 5 minutes before start time.
Seat numbers start at 1, immediately to the right of the Dealer.
They have breaks every 3 or 4 levels usually 20 minutes. But remember, you can leave your seat, or take a break, any time you want, you don't need permission, just get up & go.
But, a quick etiquette thing. If you want to leave the table for a break, do NOT fold out of turn if you are in a hurry. You'll get a warning if you do, then, if repeated, a One Orbit penalty. Never EVER fold out of turn in Live Poker, it affects the play of others, is bad form, & bang out of order.
Never touch the chips in the pot, either, wait for the dealer to push you your chips when you win a hand. Do NOT touch them until he/she pushes them to you.
Don't ask the dealer or other players to "make change" either. If the Blind is 200, & you only have a 500 denom chip, just place the 500 chip across the line. The Dealer will sort it before dealing the flop.
Make sure your high denom chips are visible at the FRONT or TOP of your stack - to hide them is, effectively, cheating. If someone, in a hand with you, asks "how much you playing?", you don't have to answer, but you must allow them to see your stack.
If in doubt, verbally ANNOUNCE any action before you make it. You can't make a mistake that way.
At showdown, if you were the last aggressor & you get called, turn your hand over immediately, don't mess about waiting for the other player.
I call
I raise to....
I'll make it (xxx)
Or just plain "2,300"
You will need to take a "Photo ID" with you if you are not already a member.
Join at the reception desk
Once you have entered the venue, you will see a cash desk where you can ask for entry to the tournament of your choice. Pay your money & then keep an eye on the screens for your name, table & seat number.
Don't be afraid to ask anyone at the venue for help, staff & regs are usually very helpful & will pont you in the right direction.
It can be a little daunting for first timers, but don't let that put you off, it's really a great experience.
Best of Luck Sir.