Hi All,
I recently played a home game with a group of guys I have been playing with for years. One particulary hane stood out and I am keen for the opinions of you all how I played it. I should explain that it is a three way hand and other than myself the other two were father and son where the son has a history of reading his father and calling with weak hands because he thinks he can read his fathers bluffs. The game is £40 min and max buy in cash game with 25/50p blinds cash game. The starting stacks are me £50 Father £26 Son £40. Plus we are all drinking!
I amon the button and have A (S) A (C) Father is to my left and raises 3 x BB. Son Calls and I 3 bet to 9 x BB. Father calls and Son calls. Flop is K J 2 all spades. Father goes all in and Son calls. I call. Turn is a dud. Son Checks, I Check. River is a King. Son goes All In, I fold.
Answers on postcard please. I will reveal the hands when there is a few analysis on the forum.
Takes away any river decision.
You have to call £14 to win £92 on the river so you dont have to be ahead very often which you are prob not but once you flat the flop I think you have to sigh call.