Why has a £350 Vegas final got a turbo structure?
Yes the blinds are 12 mins but there are loads of levels missing and its playing like a turbo.
This is the first 10 levels with a 5000 strating stack
LevelBlindsMinutes 120.00 / 40.0012230.00 / 60.0012340.00 / 80.0012450.00 / 100.0012575.00 / 150.00126100.00 / 200.00127125.00 / 250.00128150.00 / 300.0012-Late Registration Closes-9200.00 / 400.001210250.00 / 500.0012
To compare this is the structure of the £50 BH at 21.00
4000 starting stack
LevelBlindsMinutes 110.00 / 20.0012215.00 / 30.0012320.00 / 40.0012425.00 / 50.0012530.00 / 60.0012-Late Registration Closes-640.00 / 80.0012750.00 / 100.0012875.00 / 150.00129100.00 / 200.001210125.00 / 250.0012
I just dont understand why SKY have made it a turbo when there are only 40 players and its a pretty big tourney.
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Please SKY can you reconsider and use the 9pm £50 bh or the Roller structure as both these tourneys give a decent amount of play.
There was no excess Rose. There was 40 runners with 4 seats.
Can someone from SKY explain why they have decided to use this structure and where did they get it from because I can not think of another tourney on SKY with it.
Of course some people prefer the faster structure but I just think for a vegas final it should have a little more play and it being faster than some of the sats into it is just weird.
If there is some good reason for it being faster than normal then thats fine but I can't think of one.
Hi Guys,
I would have thought the various comments about "better" & "worse" structure are subjective.
It would also be pretty controversial at this stage to change an element of something which has been known about for some time now.
I'll send it upstairs for comment, as it is clearly troubling many of you, & I DO understand your point, & why you are making it. It really is "subjective" though.
The ukops main event has a £110 buy in with a 10000 starting stack ,after 2 hrs the blinds are 125/250.
The vegas final is a £1100 buy in and has a 5000 starting stack, after 2hrs the blinds are 250/500.
If thats just how it is then thats how it is but I'm just not sure of the logic behind it.
How may times has the £55 BH that starts at 9pm gone on to 4am?
I was just suprised that it was much faster than the other bigger tourneys on the site and was asking why.
I think most regs on SKY think the 9pm £55 BH is one of the best tourneys on the site structure wise and I cant see the problem with using something similar to this.
And there we have the conundrum - two very talented players, posting 2 minutes apart, have views which are polar opposites.
I exactly get the point of the question, (though I have zero say in these matters), & I exactly get Conor's view, too.
Anyway, I've sent it Upstairs for comment now.
They'll be running out of patience with me at this rate, I do tend to ask them a lot of questions, so I need to ensure I don't wear out my welcome with them, such as it is.
Anyway, let's wait & see what they say. I'll be quite surprised if they change it if it has been "advertised" as that since Day One - that produces complications.
Quick PS here.
By the nature of things, & in my experience.....
When we DISAGREE with something, we complain. As several have, here.
When we AGREE with something, we say nothing.
So the views expressed may be a bit lopsided & MAY not express a fair cross section of opinion.
Tom Thumb makes a fair point, too - this is not an MTT that plays down to one - it stops at 5 players, or whatever.
I agree we need a sensible structure and obviously I dont think whats there now is sensible but I'm sure I will get over it.