im all for sky so this isnt a moan lol . just a suggestion regarding freerolls . why do they have to be 3 minute blind limits. this forces the players who have no idea to just go in with anything. it force good players to go in with anything aswell. we need to teach the players to play properly and the only way to do that is to have 7 to ten min blinds .this will sort out whos the better player in my oppinion. if the players who have no patience cant play the ten min blinds then they dont deserve to luck box there way to 200 pound . if i win this i luck boxed it lol
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Even with 3 min blinds, there is still skill; knowing when to push or fold, calling ranges, what spots to take and which ones to pass up. Granted, it is a bit more gambly, but its the nature of the beast. If you can adjust your game to the structure and type of player participating, then you'll be fine.
Good luck in it!
3 minutes is obviously too short, you get to 10 bigs before you get round twice, then all the skill is taken out of it. ANY STUPID BINGO PLAYER COULD WIN!!
I suppose it's an age thing, & I plead guilty, but we live in a day & age where even giving away money seems to upset some. This was a £2,000 (or whatever) Freeroll, & yet I saw it described as a "p*sstake".
I'm definitely out of step, it seems.
Ridiculous Tikay. I say give out more money and more often and make the blinds 1 minute so people can get their money quicker!
(hard to please everyone, thought this was a good effort at doing so).
And look who won it! Clearly every ounce of skill was completely removed, eh Craig