Decided to post this hand just in case any ones having a bad weekend and wants to feel better. Press all in instead of raise and obviously Styles is sitting there with jacks and shows me no mercy.
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancestyle2737Small blind £1.00£1.00£246.70jakallyBig blind £2.00£3.00£215.15 Your hole cards89 like2biteUFold longman912Fold hhamza162All-in £321.07£324.07£0.00style2737All-in £246.70£570.77£0.00jakallyFold hhamza162Unmatched bet £73.37£497.40£73.37style2737ShowJJ hhamza162Show89 Flop 626 Turn 10 River 3 style2737WinTwo Pairs, Jacks and 6s£495.60 £495.60