Guys and Girls. I used to have these sorts of problems all of the time and my lappy is spec'd right up. I switched to google chrome (which is easy and free to download) and nearly all my issues have gone away. I recommend to everyone to switch straight away!! Posted by BIGSHANN
My point is simple. So many players loading the webby up around the same time, means a fair few of us won't be able to get on....
With a software, this would never happen.
You can't blame someones PC (Although mine is Po0)
When everything is working fine, all other websites are working fine, i restarted my router, same problem occured (Just with Sky), restarted my PC, same problem occured (Just with Sky)
No flame here, but does it cost millions to make a software? As it seems to be the main thing the community wants, and we are being ignored.
kept coming up blank blue screen had to keep cancelling and reloading.eventually came on.i mentioned this earlier on this need to be sorry only had a few chips by then anyway mate.never had this problem before tho,,strange,normally get occasional freezing and thats it.. oh well worst things happen at sea i suppose.
I was on a table where there were 4 players away for half an hour--they could have forgot i spose, but two came on later Posted by oynutter
yes one of those away was me . and on my return when the game finally loaded you promptly knocked me out.ha ha,,anyway well done to all that cashed and well done tikay for second spot you old luckbox.
yeah i thought i registerd by just putting my name on the thread,didnt realize till i checked the players list that i hadnt actually registered silly me should of checked properly instead of presuming oh well till the next one.go team tikay
i also had a problem in tko tonight.. game loaded then went to blue screen. had to keep cancelling and reloading the game.only managed to play a couple of hands when screen went blue again? when i finally got it up i had 177 chips and bb was 100 .all in and out.very frustrating.
how do your tables run on google chrome? i swtiched to firefox the other day after hearing about the problems with internet explorer but the tables still run slow and freeze when I open up a new table.
I feel for you guys. As I said elsewhere, I was on a 7 yar-old crockity PC with very limited memory, but it was as smooth as silk. I do, however, close all my other Tabs, & especially the Tournament Lobby. Posted by Tikay10
Think that may have been my problem, tried to open lobby. Oh well I will no better next time.
Rich, Mods, someone in techie please sort out this nonsense. I'm now beginning to lose all faith in this site because the reliability is getting worse. I've got a decent spec laptop not even a year old & all I get is lagging or in some cases your cards get folded automatically. If someone cares to take a look at hand id 226039775 you will see just why I'm so angry right now.
I've tried IE, I've tried Firefox & this happened tonight on Google Chrome.
Please can someone explain what exactly is being done about this now because quite clearly more & more people are experiencing problems with the reliability here.
I like playing here WHEN IT WORKS but I'm not gonna sit at a cash table for ages waiting patiently for a hand where I can stack someone only to have the system fold my cards for me on the river.
EDIT: Just for the record, I only play 2 tables maximum at any one time & have absolutely nothing else running.
i was on by 5 past and out by 7 mins past, normal night for me!
My point is simple. So many players loading the webby up around the same time, means a fair few of us won't be able to get on....
With a software, this would never happen.
You can't blame someones PC (Although mine is Po0)
When everything is working fine, all other websites are working fine, i restarted my router, same problem occured (Just with Sky), restarted my PC, same problem occured (Just with Sky)
No flame here, but does it cost millions to make a software? As it seems to be the main thing the community wants, and we are being ignored.
I feel for you guys.
As I said elsewhere, I was on a 7 yar-old crockity PC with very limited memory, but it was as smooth as silk.
I do, however, close all my other Tabs, & especially the Tournament Lobby.
It is funny (not) when all other websites load immediately and Sky can't cope on TKO nights. If you remember a lot of people had problems first TKO.
Something is wrong.
Please get it sorted.
And i rr my router, PC, tried time and time again to load it, never worked.
i swtiched to firefox the other day after hearing about the problems with internet explorer but the tables still run slow and freeze when I open up a new table.