That's the last time I give you a lift, Wes Posted by Slipwater
haha, love shakin's reply above too!! At least you now know if you get dealt JJ and someone jam's in 50bb's in a live cash game you can happily call with 3 players behind you!!
In Response to Re: advice aggression pre JJ : haha, love shakin's reply above too!! At least you now know if you get dealt JJ and someone jam's in 50bb's in a live cash game you can happily call with 3 players behind you!! Posted by F_Ivanovic
In Response to Re: advice aggression pre JJ : All right, so if JJ is a call... what is a fold? Posted by Slipwater
I'm not sure exactly - a lot depends on the range you put villain on. Here in nl4 we can put villain on a 30% range fairly comfortably - at 100NL live then maybe we're up against a 10 or 15% range then we could be as low as a 57.8% favourite which would still make it a profitable call. AK is similar equity and +ev (also reduced combos of AA + KK plus flipping vs QQ mean we have better equity when someone else gets involved) TT and we're down to 53%..... which although +ev on it's own, I'm not sure if the times we run into a better hand from behind us make it a fold. Seems pretty close.
With reads that villain is tilting and/or a maniac we can increase the likelyhood of villain having a wider range where TT, 99 and even 88 in some cases becomes a call. Can even get into weird situations where we can potentially get a villain behind us to fold a better pair because they see us calling 50bbs and assume with TT/JJ they're either flipping or crushed (so fold) only for us to turn up as wide as AT/AJ and 88/99 knowing we are 60% vs villain's 50% shipping range.
Also when we have a table maniac, it's important not to just think in the mentality of "waiting for a better spot" - when 6 handed, we can't always do that because they could easily lose their stack to another player at the table.
It's high variance play, but sometimes we just have to GII vs these players with a less than premium (but dominating) holding. As long as we've got the bankroll for it, then there's no problem.