Hey everyone
It's been pretty quiet on here recently, felt it would be good fun to start a mayhem freeroll sweat thread.
It's a fantastic promotion that someone can qualify for Vegas through playing a few freerolls.
Would be great if other people got involved too. Posting your results up here.
I'll start from next Monday, when the new week starts.
To date this week, I've played 4 out of the freerolls, with 10 bounties. 2 x 0 bounties, 1 x 1 bounty and 1 x 9 bounties.
To do anything this week, I need a barrel load of bounties tonight and tomorrow.
If we can get 10 people registered/ posting their results on here, i'll ask Sky if it's possible to get a £11 MTT entry for the winner of next week (Monday - Sunday).
0 ·
1 x 5
2 x 0
3 x 6
4 x5
Still in with a shout, but need a load of run good in the last two.
Great promotion from Sky though.
Played em all, but had to leave tonights after 30 mins. Been a decent week tho so far and am currently on 16/17 heads.
Thought I took 1 tonight but bigger stack was in pot so don't know if I got that one. Would help if heads taken was shown in game, perhaps could be sorted for next week.
As has already been stated, EXCELLENT Promo. Well done Sky.
Great stuff Craig.
Let's geta vegas winner next week from those posting in here!
Late regged tonight, long story (**** kids), managed 1 head and limped to cash so finished on 18 with about
£40 cashes. Plus any prize money from leaderboard.
GL all next week.
All the very best of luck to those participating.
In my OP I mentioned about potentially being a prize, that does not seem likely so now it's all about the bragging rights.
Would be phenomenal if it was someone from this thread that ended up the Vegas winner this week!
Lets do this.
Good luck all in the mayhem
oh and got 8 heads/ and 1 split one so don't know how that counts.
Day 1= 1 Bounty, most do better!