Maybe Tikay might be able to answer this, I'm guessing he's the only Sky person that might be around at this time on a Sunday....
Basically I was just talking to a mate about the fact I can't play tonight and he said 'you know you're regged in the roller, right?'
I didn't know this... I'm 90% sure I aint regged the roller myself, I aint even logged in to Sky since Friday night. I can only imagine it's a free entry but it's not often Sky dish out £110 roller seats and I can't remember taking part in any comps...
On the off chance it is my money obv I wanna de-reg and not lose my £110 but if it's a free entry I'd like to either swap it to next week if I can or I guess I'll just have to leave it and I'll have to start when I can and spin up whatever I got left, but I obv don't wanna do that if it's my own £££.
Any suggestions?
gl next week
Wp Paul, absolute trooper and I hope you run well in the freebie.