Regarding recent speculation about using multiple accounts this as been resolved, iv been a regular player on sky poker for numerous years now. I met my girlfriend and she started liking the game also a couple of times we ended up on the same table which we both felt uneasy about and i can understand why this is as come out and why people suspect 1 person as 2 accounts. In future we have agreed we won't enter the same tournaments even though we like the same games i do apologise again but am a legitimate player.
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Now, where is that tin hat?
If that was me and my b.f was on same table would try and knock him out into the stratosphere!!! lmao but that's just me.
Good luck to you all
Yes, but as Sky Dan says in other thread it is EASY to log in under someone else's account by accident.
Especially if you have similar screen names , you know, like ANT and flash. lol,