12.117 So im presuming they gave you this 1 Tikay as with the accuracy of the answers it will be nigh impossible for you to award extra prizes! Sigh, good run through, well played that man ; ) Posted by LmfaoAllin
I devise these Comps myself, if devise is the right word, so I can never blame anyone when I get it wrong, which, as you say, it quite often.......;)
You are doing a great job Trev, thank you very much.
We'll be unlucky not to hit a century now. (T & C's apply, as per Joe Root).
NameDistance (Sec)timeforbed0.325cenachav0.675dragon19640.888shakinaces0.999Machka1.000Snuffer1.247gruntex1.265HENDRIK621.967rainman2972.200mrsduck2.222belsibub2.234POKERTREV2.361Boxster2.412samantha252.5254EVERGREEN2.560Ice_Tiger2.78967Bhoys3.168ajmilton3.230DoyleBrun3.245lufc3333.333HippyChic3.452Sir_Gary3.522CHILLIE3.720liundie3.825craigcu123.988mac244.213paddie19854.388VespaPX4.456tillpoll4.587Phantom664.698mkgunner4.928chrispip5.151Ikelly5.200CraigSG15.255heddoh185.314MrJoeBlogs5.359paige555.555BrayCorp835.950Telmison746.129degenmuch6.150dakin016.330Brrrrrrr6.370Nannypat666.660bumpy81156.824PenFifteen6.969hhyftrftdr6.996Matt2377.125FINS7.347_kagawa_7.380Gran237.777prepared7.790pomfrittes7.998jordz168.166golds958.253tomo_efc8.365novice1748.438millwise118.495fredsgirl8.774zadoc8.888GELDY8.889rhino119.100Mikeycb9.165tomgoodun9.287goldnballz9.559DTWBANDIT9.640johnboy8259.897Donttelmum10.000Jeffter10.333bbmike10.795DUNMIDOSH11.254Any2Suited11.425FCHD11.727churchy1812.169Janana12.245lillyjo121613.123JingleMa14.130Pilgrim0714.379SoLack17.565Nuggy96218.000Darkangel723.241SP_SP26.913cleansweep29.53468Trebor29.535MP3334.430Dollie63.500
So im presuming they gave you this 1 Tikay as with the accuracy of the answers it will be nigh impossible for you to award extra prizes!
Sigh, good run through, well played that man ; )
I devise these Comps myself, if devise is the right word, so I can never blame anyone when I get it wrong, which, as you say, it quite often.......;)
91 entries so far, so unless there is a last minute rush, it looks like we might fall just shy of the 100 needed to double the prizes.
9 more needed, fingers crossed we get there.
Don't forget, the Competition closes at Midday, at which time the thread will be LOCKED until the race finishes.
8 More Required