As above really - are Sky not running the £3 all in sats anymore for the £55 Speed BH game? I was disappointed when the all in sats for the 9pm £55 BH game were discontinued - hope these other ones haven't gone for good aswell Posted by IrishRose
Def still there ; )LmfaoAllin389802£1,500 Speed B/H
As above really - are Sky not running the £3 all in sats anymore for the £55 Speed BH game? I was disappointed when the all in sats for the 9pm £55 BH game were discontinued - hope these other ones haven't gone for good aswell Posted by IrishRose
Ummmm - am I going blind AGAIN???? Have Sky quietly stopped running these £3 all in sats to the £55 BH game at 10.30pm or are they just late being put up in lobby?