Hey guys,
Hope life and the game is all good with you. We'll be live tonight from 10pm, with myslef, Tikay, and the Bromleys; Adam and Natalie. They will both be taking on the 100 Challenge, and I put my money on Natalie!!
I hope you manage to catch the show tonight, and if you have any questions for them let us know. I will keep an eye out on here for you,
A xxx
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Welcome to the Sky Poker Community, Tal Bloke.
Tell us about yourself - Arsenal supporter, I assume?
Play a bit of chess, presumably, too.
Just wondering how long this 100 Challenge will be carrying on for? It would be nice to go back to old days occasionally and have a night of tournament coverage. Any plans to do this?
I'm not sure I agree with the number of posts being a measure of success. My memory of the threads that had a lot of posts were that many consisted of two letters (in).
I guess some might say that sometimes the 861 shows got less than 1000 viewers on a free to view for all with a box channel and these current programmes are getting 25,000 viewers at the worst and 50,000 at the best and this is in the summer.
Again, I stress that I understand that people loved 861 very much, but this constant harking back will not really have much of a positive effect. Sky Betting and Gaming is owned 80% by a company called CVC and 861 was owned 100% by a company named BskyB and they held the licence for the channel. It's not just as simple as refusing to believe it's gone and people stamping their feet.
Channel 861 was never free to view for all!
You could only view with a sky subscription!
Your 25,000 to 50,000 how was your figure obtained? It does not correspond to the stats I have access to.
Everyone loves the shows and wants the site to be successful,
but success can only be measured by bums on seats!
I haven't seen an increase at the tables since the alleged 24 to 49 thousand increase in viewers. Am I looking in the wrong place?
All I know is
- They live stream horse races if you wager why can't they do that for Sky Poker? If you play the main event why can't you be given access to Sky Go for the show?
- Havre De Paix wins at Salisbury on 14th June.
- Anyone fortunate to have seen 861 were privileged to witness the nicest and most talented presenting team on TV.
- And you are destined to bring something back from Vegas this year! ( Hopefully a bracelet not just a cold)
I simply asked the guys who work as producers of the TV show. I asked them several times when I appeared on the show several years ago and I asked them several years ago the effect of the numbers when the one hour of the five hour show was also on Sky Sports. Things like that are interesting to me and I've asked several times each year since I've ever appeared on the channel. I asked them just a couple of weeks ago what the viewing figures were like and how they compared to 861. Did they make a mistake?, did they mislead me? I sort of assumed they would know about that stuff.
What do you mean by "stats I have access to"? All I can find from Google is that 359,000 people have access to Sky Sports 4. Does it sound incredible that 10% watch the shows?
I'm sorry, I thought the 861 Channel was part of the channels you could get by freeview...in many posts here I have read people saying they can't watch anymore as you have to pay now...I did not realise you had to pay before, apologies.
I think the Channel stopped broadcasting in February and it's now June. My experiences of running a poker site tell me you should expect a hefty decrease in numbers between these months. This happened every year for the six years I ran a site. Every year those numbers went up again in September.
I'm sorry but reading the posts here this week I don't agree that everyone loves the site and wants it to be successful. Some seem to relish coming here to moan and they are poisoning the atmosphere for everyone.
I totally understand that some people preferred the old channel...there is no way it can return though. Sky Betting and Gaming does not own the channel or the licence to broadcast. Given the opportunity to make a programme for two hours a week on a channel watched by mostly young male sports fans the good people of Sky Poker TV have chosen to make a programme that fits well into two hours and which they hope will appeal to young male sports fans. To me the viewing figures are how their success in that endeavour will be judged.
Whatever some people might wish for it is simply not possible to make a three times a week five hour show and fit that into a two hour slot once a week.
Nice post Neil.