Taken a couple of days off myself. Is it worth updating the front page table with the date people started. As I'm guessing we'll have to confirm using sharkscope it would help the guys doing the searching. Last extract has me playing more games than I thought, but maybe because I started a few days later (or I can't count).
Four games tonight , lost the first two despite playing well and was in trouble in the third but luckily turned it around and then won the last. So won 2 lost 2 but relieved after the start I had as i feared a bad run was on its way!
Taken a couple of days off myself. Is it worth updating the front page table with the date people started. As I'm guessing we'll have to confirm using sharkscope it would help the guys doing the searching. Last extract has me playing more games than I thought, but maybe because I started a few days later (or I can't count). Posted by bbMike
Hi mike i already have the dates on my spread sheet set up at home so i will add that onto the table thats no problem
To many people running good tonight, no happy with that at all
hello all, table is now updated to show start date aswell as actual results so if i ever dissapear again and u fancy popping up a table into the thread those are the dates to start with on sharkscope searches. you'll probably see plenty of me tonight and over next couple of days so hopefully i can contribute to your win rates going down slightly
Hi guys quick update not played a lot last couple of days i think my score is now 69/106. Was 66/100 for the first hundred which is a really good score for me love to keep that up. Had 9 in a row the other day when snuffer was at my table. Don't you hate it Snuffer when you double up early and still go out on the button! .
Double points on SNGS this weekend think i worked it out i will have to play 60 games to get to the £5 bonus level from the token. Don't think i will be grinding that much to get an extra £2.70. I do belive this is a flaw in the new rewards scheme and it doesn't encourage low stake players to play more. Enough about that there is enough threads on here about that.
Good luck for the weekend guys catch me if you can!
Just posting to throw my tenner in with the rest and join the challenge, it will probably be years before I've played 1000 but never mind Posted by ladyalbion
very good profitable day today, had a really bad start aswell, with my AA losing to both k5 and j4 , but turned it around in the end and finished the day winning 17/22.
oh and gerardirl if your out there someone may have just beat your 9 game win streak.
how did the rest of you do today?
i won 10 in a row
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 all in a row
main table has been updated, highest win streak now has a sparkly new colour to make it more obvious
will be back tomorow to hopefully extend the streak.
oh and gerardirl if your out there someone may have just beat your 9 game win streak.
how did the rest of you do today?
i won 10 in a row
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 all in a row
main table has been updated, highest win streak now has a sparkly new colour to make it more obvious
will be back tomorow to hopefully extend the streak.