I've been playing - almost eclusively - DYMs for probably about a year on here now, but the games seem very limited.
Is there any scope for;
a) 10 seater DYMs?
b) Longer blind limits - some with 5 minutes (as now), others with 7 or 10 minutes?
On another site I play on - don't know whether or not it's against the rules to name it, so I won't just to be safe - they have "turbo" DYMs with 5 min blinds, and "regular" ones with each level lasting 10 minutes.
Rake seems like another issue to me. Maybe have - for example - £5 + 25p for the 5 minute games, and £5 + 50p for the longer ones.
What do you all think? Are these alterations conceivable, or indeed wanted?
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