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Flyingdagg Fund Raiser

LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
edited August 2015 in Poker Chat
Hey Everyone,

I'm going to play the following games starting from Sunday, including the Sunday Roller, i'll be donating 5% of all gross profit to McMillan Cancer Support.

The just giving page is here:

These are the games I will be playing:

Sunday, 7:45 8:15 £11 BH'ers, 8:30 £11 Mini Total £33
Monday, 7:45, 8:15 Bhers, 8pm Main £33, 8:30 Mini £5.50, 7pm £22 BH. Total Spend. £82.50
Tuesday, 7:45, 8:15 Bhers, 8pm £11 Turbo (Main), £5.50 Mini, 9pm £55 BH. 9:30 pm £11 BHTotal Spend £104.50
Wed Off
Thursday 7:45, 8:15 Bhers, 8pm Main £33, 8:30 Mini £5.50, 7pm £22 BH. Total Spend. £82.50

If anyone else would like to get involved the more the merrier!

It's a great cause, i'll keep this thread update with how i'm doing over the week.


  • LmfaoAllinLmfaoAllin Member Posts: 1,213
    edited June 2015
    Nice1 Larson great idea to follow on from the DTD winnings going to MaMillan,

    Dont know if you seen team page i posted that for the month of June i will donate £10 for every win, up to 2/3 now i think.

    I dont have a strict schedule due to work but generaly play: 12pm bh, 3pm bh, 4pm bh afternoon session.

    Then 6pm bh, sometimes 6.45bh, 7pm bh, 7.45bh, 8pm main, 8.15 bh,  8.30 mini, 9pm bh(if sat) 9,30bh. 10.15 bh amd again if sat 10.30bh, 11pm bh, 11.30 bh, 12. 30 bh.

    ToTals wins currently stands at 3 so £30 in the kitty
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited June 2015
    Nice1 mate, should be a good week:D
  • F_IvanovicF_Ivanovic Member Posts: 2,412
    edited June 2015
    Glad this is for Macmillan Cancer Support and not CRUK. I won't be able to play much next week but I will try and fit in as many tournaments as possible and pledge 5% :)
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited June 2015
    as the only reason I'm playing at the moment is to support Dale I will donate 100% of my net profit. Not playing much and a little down at the moment but still time for a bink. 
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,123
    edited June 2015
    Great gesture.

    I will donate within the next couple of weeks.
  • POKERTREVPOKERTREV Member Posts: 9,607
    edited June 2015
    Great gesture Larson.

    I have donated to the link already, but as many others have said, I will be donating any DTD Binkages for the rest of the Month.

    Best of luck to you Sir - hopefully we will see you take one down
  • LmfaoAllinLmfaoAllin Member Posts: 1,213
    edited June 2015
    I know in said would be £10 a win but binked main tonight, yes cough, brag, so gona double that 1. also binked the ukpc freeroll, it was only for a £26 seat but gona add that too, came close with another few ft's with a 2nd and a 6th so feel confident about raising a descent amount by end of month, not sure if i want a target really but if gets over £100 will be chufffed to bits.

    current total £60

    Hope you bearing uo Dale, cant imagine what you must be going through, just hope you can feed off some off tr positivity from the community.

    Take care chap

    Best wishes
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited June 2015
    Well done on winning the main James, fantastic result!

    My first few games are tonight, will update later.
  • F_IvanovicF_Ivanovic Member Posts: 2,412
    edited June 2015
    My first games tonight too.... fingers crossed!
  • j3onoj3ono Member Posts: 2,073
    edited June 2015

    Hi guys 
    Nice work on the donation many thanks to all have pledged and donated so far ;')
    Good Luck Larson with your Mtt's hope you run deep glglgl Sir.

  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited June 2015

    Sunday 14th, Total Spend £33/ winnings £11.25, profit minus £21.75

  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited June 2015

    £22 BH = 0
    £11 Bh'ers = £26.25and £8.44
    £33 Main £22.50
    £5.5 Mini = £3.76

    Total Spend: £82.50
    Cashes: £60.95


    Total Cashes: £72.20 (Total Spend £115.50)

  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited June 2015
    i know FlyingDagg used to play the deepstack mtts rather successfully
    so I'll play the 1915 deepstack and 100% of any winnings will go to his charity. 

  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited June 2015

    got 3bet shoved aipf by QTo vs my JJ, Q on river obv
    next time.........
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited June 2015
    I'll look at total spend tomorrow, but was something like £104, and got 0 cashes tonight.

    If I don't end up with a profit by Thursday, £20 for the charity.

    But still confident can finish with a profit by Thursday!
  • F_IvanovicF_Ivanovic Member Posts: 2,412
    edited June 2015
    Sunday for me was almost a washout No cashes in £55FO, £33BH, Super Roller, Mini-roller or 9pm BH. (Think I got a bounty in 1 tournament, maybe BH, that was it)

    Tonight no better... busted Prio freeroll 3 or 4 off money and didn't get anywhere in turbo or the 9pm. 

    So a gross profit is very unlikely with only the Wednesday to go before I'm off to blackpool and unable to play rest of week. As such it's going to be gross profit per night rather than overall, so hopefully I get something tomorrow. If not I will play again on Sunday, gross profit again just for the Sunday. Will keep going until I get a night with a gross profit!! Plus £20 on top anyway for my shambolic performances!
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited June 2015
    Really good of you Ivan.

    Tonight I got afew bounties and that was the extent of it. Strange few days bricking everything!

    Seen as I didn't make a net profit, will instead be donating £20 to the charity.
  • LmfaoAllinLmfaoAllin Member Posts: 1,213
    edited June 2015
    Hi not updated in a while as not a lot happening, took down main and mini in 1st wk, not same night sigh, thought wow gonna smash this but since then its been pretty much all quiet on the western front.

    I have a dtd cash of £7 to add, came 1st in 2 sats for main events, dont really count i know but will chuck a £5 for each but apart from that a bunch of 2nds and a handfull of ft,  the later may sound great but for the volume i put in it really isn't, without the main bink would be a very bricky month.

    TOTAL £77

    Hopefully something happens before end of month as determined to hit the £100 mark, unfortunately i only have a tablet atm which obv dont help but working on that.

    Gl to all raising money, the dtd donations alone should be a decent amount.

    Great charity, such amazing work they do.

    Wp, gl.
  • F_IvanovicF_Ivanovic Member Posts: 2,412
    edited June 2015
    Fell asleep on Sunday afternoon after getting back from Blackpool so missed out on Sunday. I did play on Tuesday and got a small profit but not enough, so will play this Sunday and donate £20 regardless, but hopefully more if I can bink a big score :)
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited June 2015
    Awesome stuff guys.

    £270 been raised so far to date.
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