Is there any way of accessing your whole hand history?
I do use this feature to review a good/bad session and try and get to the bottom of where the money went and why and pick up and learn from mistakes.
recently I have been playing a lot more cash on the new spinup tables and would really like to export all of my cash hand history for the last month or so and see if I can crunch some numbers around ranges of hands I am going all-in pre with.
I have a certain range I use with adjustments for the table/players so it wiould be really useful to work out the effectiveness of the range and see if it needs tweaking.
when I try and review hands it seems there is a cap of 500 I can view.
I suppose I can filter e.g only games where I have won/lost say half the BI which should cover most of the all-ins as I autotop, however even then the total is over 500 so I would have to do it multiple times with different dates.
Is there a shortcut to get your whole hand history? If not would that be a useful addition to petition sky for?