Just a polite reminder, can we please only raise serious abuse requests.
Minor requests from the same users over and over again will be regarded as spam, and you could have your forum privileges revoked. We understand that from time to time, there may be posts which are deemed not suitable, and the correct course of action will be taken.
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to get in touch with a member of the Sky Poker Team, or alternatively contact Customer Services, who will be happy to resolve your issue.
Thank you.
Yeh, Hufty's sausage for instance. Especially if you substitute minor for insignificant.
He keeps trying to book hols for me, 1 way... to places like ****!
Yr post seems to be getting spammed ^^^ not even my fault this time
im all for the abuse report aspect but where do you draw the line?Surely its subjective due to the nature of abuse.Is somebody whining cos they had a bad beat n just want to moan about the person who gave it to them or do they have a genuine reason for wanting the player sanctioned?Has this 'BEEF' been going on for weeks or has it just got ignited?
I had a guy in a MTT press my buttons for an hour or so over a bad beat he suffered and I dropped a couple of silly cusses in response to his tirade of personal abuse.I got banned from chat(quite rightly)for a months but noticed no action was taken against the protagonist.
I guess its a bit of who gets caught at that moment eh?
All the best Kirsty,
P.S.-Loving the pic of you!you get a 2 syllable ****!) Daaaaaayaaammm!
But on opening the thread , normality is restored a bit.