hffty - I have only seen you play 1 dym and while I am no expert myself, I hope our early stage levelling war was just a bit of fun between us and not how you intend to play these?
dyms not my bag unless 4 cards are in front of me, and 1000 is way too much volume to commit to. So for those reaons I'm out, but I wiah you every success.
hffty - I have only seen you play 1 dym and while I am no expert myself, I hope our early stage levelling war was just a bit of fun between us and not how you intend to play these? dyms not my bag unless 4 cards are in front of me, and 1000 is way too much volume to commit to. So for those reaons I'm out, but I wiah you every success. Posted by Phantom66
I can't even remember the hand/s! Refresh my memory, unless its terrible on my part....
hffty - I have only seen you play 1 dym and while I am no expert myself, I hope our early stage levelling war was just a bit of fun between us and not how you intend to play these? dyms not my bag unless 4 cards are in front of me, and 1000 is way too much volume to commit to. So for those reaons I'm out, but I wiah you every success. Posted by Phantom66
It was last weekend during the double points promo.
About 4 raises pre and 3 post on a 2diamond raggy board. You said in chat before you folded, "do you not believe me" I said "well I dont expect you to be a total nit".
It was last weekend during the double points promo. About 4 raises pre and 3 post on a 2diamond raggy board. You said in chat before you folded, "do you not believe me" I said "well I dont expect you to be a total nit". Posted by Phantom66
Sorry Jac, Needle in a haystack in my hh. The only time I put in real voluuuume otherwise it would be easy to find. PS doodoodooodo David Nuuugeeeennnnttt PNE legend - glad he wasnt playing for boro last week. Think he has a habit of doing ok in debuts. edit:This post might have more relevance if boro were playing Derby not Bolton Posted by Phantom66
As some of you are aware I've recently been taking part in a £3.30 DYM challenge against stuarty117, spinky6108, BBmike and a few other dym regulars at that level. now that i've completed that challenge (well nearly will be done in the next hour or so). i'm going to be starting the exact same challenge at the £5.50 level. for those of you that don't know the challenge is to grind out 1000 games at that level and the person with the most wins, wins. Alot of people have said this challenge has increased their focus and has also increased their volume of play, while others have simply found it interesting to see where they are at compared to the other players in the challenge. unlike last time im going to set a start date so everyone starts on the same day (making it easier for me to track) I will be starting on 14/8/2015 so if any of you feel like joining in just leave me a message on here, or pop into any of the games im playing and just let me know, the only conditions for joining is that your sharkscope is viewable otherwise i have no way of tracking you. ive got no intention of doing this with a side bet or anything purely just for the fun and banter anyone else wanting to join after 14/8/15 just add a post and i will track your results starting the day after your post. wins Loses games played win % RLT16 25 9 34 73.52941176 Snuffer 9 6 15 60 Essexphil 1 3 4 25 Spinky6108 0 0 0 #DIV/0! Mumsie 1 0 1 100 Hendrik62 1 4 5 20 Lmfaoallin 34 28 62 54.83870968 Hhyftrftdr 0 0 0 #DIV/0! Posted by RLT16
Great work Lee but.....
I wrote on this thread at 10.23 pm on the 14th, fri, but you have included a few games from earlier on that afternoon, which was before i knew about the challange and was therfor not playing my A game ; )
Not that im competitive or anything haha.
So my correct stats are P63 W37 L26 giving me a win % of 58.73.
PS please dont chuck me out for being a pain in the backside.
In Response to Re: RLT's £5.50 DYM challange : Im glad you said that BBMike, im keen to do the challlenge, but nor bankrolled (only got 111.98 sterling) , I was hoping the challenge would stay at 3:30 Posted by mumsie
Im starting with £33, 6 buyins, reged them all at same time, gives you more insentive to win ; )
In Response to RLT's £5.50 DYM challange : Great work Lee but..... I wrote on this thread at 10.23 pm on the 14th, fri, but you have included a few games from earlier on that afternoon, which was before i knew about the challange and was therfor not playing my A game ; ) Not that im competitive or anything haha. So my correct stats are P63 W37 L26 giving me a win % of 58.73. PS please dont chuck me out for being a pain in the backside. Posted by LmfaoAllin
just checked this and there were 3 games, 2 of which were wins i can get rid of them if you like?
edit:This post might have more relevance if boro were playing Derby not Bolton
We play Boro on Tuesday night
P 1 W 1 L 0
I wrote on this thread at 10.23 pm on the 14th, fri, but you have included a few games from earlier on that afternoon, which was before i knew about the challange and was therfor not playing my A game ; )
Not that im competitive or anything haha.
So my correct stats are P63 W37 L26 giving me a win % of 58.73.
PS please dont chuck me out for being a pain in the backside.
just checked this and there were 3 games, 2 of which were wins