Hello everyone. I'm recording loads more YouTube vids with Ryan this Tuesday night, in response to many of you asking for more hands from the community to be shown.
We call it...
The Poker Pitstop
..where you take a quick break from all the poker and pull into the pitlane to have our expert mechanic give you a quick tune-up before sending you on your way
Pick a hand that's been keeping you awake at night. Or a typical example of a hand where you feel there's a leak in your game.
And then, over a five minute video Ryan will walk us through the hand, played from your perspective, with all the opponents' cards covered, and without Ryan knowing what they've got in advance so you get rocksolid advice on how he would have played it and what he thinks of the way YOU played it.
It will then live forever on YouTube on our 'SkyPoker' channel, helping you and educating others forever more.
So...take a hand from one of the televised tables that you've played on over the last few weeks, (Mastercash tables, or the main/mini events every night at 8/8.30pm.
Make a note of the hand i.d. number from the hand history and post it on here, along with maybe a quick question about it e.g. Could I have played this better?Should I have bet on the turn? What do you think about my bet sizing on the river? Is this an insta-laydown on the flop?
I'll post below some videos we've already done to give you an idea...
Look forward to your requests but be sure to get them in before Tuesday 6pm! :-)
Hand History #935395738
Hand History #935412497
Thanks Alan.
Any more everyone else?
Will repost just incase
Hand History #931019252 (23:10 26/07/2015)
EDIT: Just seen it, thanks guys. I knew he had QQ was just bugging me cause he made out in the chat box he might have made a huge bluff.
Hand Id #936919714
#939136677 £55 SPEED BH.
The opponent seemed to be tight but solid. Don't think he jams Kx which doesn't have me beat and think he's more likely to flat draws than semi bluff jam. Think often he has a vulnerable better 2 pair and JT. Would be great to see it talked through.
Morning Pit Stoppers.
We will be recording one or two more of these his evening, so if you have an interesting hand that merits analysis, post it on this threads please.
The hands MUST be from either a MasterCash table, or from a Main or Mini MTT.
Thank you.
Hi Guys,
I have no way of knowing that, sorry.
Best advice I can give is to keep an eye on the Sky Poker You Tube Channel, as if they get uploaded, they will appear there.
A whole variety of stuff gets recorded every Tuesday - often as many as 12 or 15 different pieces, though not all are "Pitstop" hands", they are then added to the bank of stuff to be released in the future.
Dan, who runs Sky Poker TV, likes to keep a healthy backstock of stuff in reserve, so he can release something new every day.