I made 300 euros rakeback playing 10/20/30 DYM's over 500 games on ipoker in 3 weeks playing part time.
I don't fully understand the sky reward scheme, if i was to get 10k points / 20k points in a month with an avg buy in of £10 playing sngs how much rakeback could i roughly expect to earn? Is it even possible to achieve 20k points at this level.
I will be roughly playing 1k SnGs a month with avg buy in of £10.
I would just like an idea to contrast sky reward scheme with ipoker. It seems if i got 10k points i would get £200 back from sky from the usual reward scheme, but at 10k points I will hit the 10% priority reward scheme, what would this mean for me?
Many thanks in advance for your help
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