I'm sorry if this is considered innapropriate.
A day ago my great online mucker Gerardirl, told me that his great pal, Silve, had passed away.
I know she played a **** of a lot of PLO and was considered a diamond. Although I didn't play against Silve very much, the news has affected me a bit. It's a strange old online world we live in sometimes, I 'know' Ger like the back of my hand, yet we've never met. It was incredibly moving to read Ger making comments of helping to carry his great mate to her final resting place. Was very shocking to see another player at the table hearing the news for the first time too.
Not sure why I'm writing this to be honest. Pretty much lost for words. That's a first.
Chin up Ger. Bless ya Silve.
Terrible, terrible, news, & a Karen's post was so very moving.
I was aware of Silve's passing, & I can but imagine how upset Ger was.
Doubt many on here have heard of Silve, but she played nearly 4,000 SNG's on Sky Poker, never caused a spot of bother to a soul, & was always polite, respectful & well-mannered.
We are blessed to be able to share tables with such diamonds as Silve.
RIP Silve.
All the best.
Rip silve, condolenses to family and friends.