Do you mean you never received the cash, the token, or either?
I'm a little unsure of myself here, but unless I am mistaken, at present, you don't get a token, you currently should get the cash equivalent - see THIS
Rewards "token" was credited as cash £2.30 on Monday.
The Premiership tokens were awarded at the weekend and still don't seem to be running smoothly so you should be happy to not have a rewards token. It would seem your premiership team did not win so you can moan about that if you like?
they can give tokens willy nilly the reason they give us the rewards cash is because they are trying to solve the problem of saving tokens for bigger BIs atm you conna save tokens they just get used at the 1st opportunity.hope this helps.
Morning Mr Mum.
Do you mean you never received the cash, the token, or either?
I'm a little unsure of myself here, but unless I am mistaken, at present, you don't get a token, you currently should get the cash equivalent - see THIS
Apologies if I have misunderstood your question.
Ahh, that makes perfect sense to someone, I'm sure.
I honestly don't know. The Promo Page for "Sky Poker Rewards" still says "cash instead of token", so that was my angle.
Complaining that you have nothing to complain about? In Mr Kipling's words...
And—which is more—you'll be a poker player, my son