Playing a 6-max, down to 3 players, 2 get paid. (1 player is AWAY).
Villain is chip leader >3:1 to my left, AWAY is short stack.
Villain keeps folding blinds vs AWAY, or call/check to showdown vs AWAY.
Chip dumping?
Villain always called or bet vs my blinds.
Asked in chatbox why Villain not betting vs AWAY or why keeps folding SB.
No answer?
I finished 2nd after AWAY eventually got blinded out (10mins) and lost vs Villain.
The only conclusion I can think of, is Villain playing 2 accounts on a STT.
If you have any suspicions of collusion or Multi Accounting, please report them to Customer Care. Such allegations must not be aired on the Community, as people's reputations can easily be harmed when in fact they may be innocent.
If you included a Tournament ID in your Post - & I suspect you did - it is a simple matter for anyone to trace the players involved via Sharkscope.
Just report such things to Customer Care please.
Thank you.
As to whether this was collusion, see the replies by the vastly experienced guys such as gldenballz, Percival, & the Arsenal supporter, TommyD.
The villain is playing perfect poker in this spot. In SNG's & DYM's it is VERY important to understand these dynamics.
I would add that nothing much surprises me in poker these days, but colluding in a £1 or £2 DYM seems highly improbable to me. If they were able to do so with any degree of success, they'd not be doing so in £1 & £2 games, they would use the profit to do it in bigger games. It is not as easy to collude in these things as some may think, & the upside is negligible.
You are absolutely correct to be wary, & if something feels wrong, report it to Customer Care. But please don't put details on the Community, as you can so easily smear innocent people's reputations.
Thanks, & good luck at the tables.
It's similar to Freerolls (FREEROLLS) when folks complain half the table are away.
Some things make no sense to me at all.
40 minutes per game & they end up splitting (say) 2nd place between them in a 1 Quid SNG?
Anyway, we could debate that all day, but it was just me musing.
There's simply not sufficient detail there to comment with any substance.
If you think there was something amiss, take a note of the Game Number, & those you believe were messing about, & REPORT IT TO CUSTOMER CARE.
They DO look at these things, look at the gameplay properly, & research deeper into the history of the players concerned, then make their decision.