""""Fwiw, it is a tell of some sort usually that he's used the half pot button on turn. Most good players dont use the fixed betting buttons post flop, and it often means something from weaker players."""
I read this ^^^^^^^ in another thread and have noticed the odd comment about the same in other threads. My question is this:
Why is it perceived that most good players don't use these buttons and why? Is there something I'm missing, or is there an obvious advantage to manually typing bets into the box?
Personally I don't know if I would be considered a good player or weak by some but, I generally use these buttons as I'm usually multitabling and usually don't have time to type my bet sizes into the box. I might do it occasionally or use half pot then click the + symbol to add a bit extra now and then.
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I guess it just comes down to thinking. I sometimes use the fixed bet buttons but generally try to avoid them. When people just snap bet half pot it suggests they aren't thinking things through to any real degree. Typing in a bet takes that little bit longer, thus at least giving the impression you've given some thought as to the optimal bet sizing.
What about people who have their blinds ready clicked for fold? Little things like that can give you snippets of info IMO.
I was just wanted to get some insight into it and the thoughts of others.
If you raise the button and both blinds snap fold, IE pre selected and not just a quick pass, then it can give you bits of info that you might be able to use later on. Likewise if it folds to you in the SB and you make up and they insta check, you can generally assume they don't have a very good hand.
It's also different when you are playing against REGs you have history with... against good players you really don't want to be varying your bet size amount too much because trying to balance ranges with different bet-sizes (not to mention the fact you also have checking as an option - and need a balanced range for checking) is just super difficult. But against players you have little history with it's more important to play a little more exploitively and try and find the optimal bet-size for your particular hand in that particular slot.
Do I use the pre-set amounts? I will sometimes, and don't think it's too big a deal. I'll use half pot bets on dry boards in Holdem when I have a wide range and we're fairly deep stacked. And in omaha I'll use 3/4 bets on semi-wet boards especially if I'm playing against the same villain lots in HU or short handed play. But yeah generally apart from that I don't really use the pre-set amounts.